Top 15 things we don’t really know how to do in France

France is world champion in many disciplines, starting with football (yep, we’re still the best) but we’re also huge losers in a lot of things. We are dummies. Dummies. Big washcloths. Incompetents, what. It’s a bit of a shame, but we can always continue to say that we are world football champions to compensate. And we can cross our fingers …

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Dividends Slashed as Companies Conserve Cash

Dividends are Disappearing Companies are increasingly suspending or reducing dividends Government loan rules and credit market turmoil crimp balance sheets Goldman says S&P 500 dividends will reduce 38% in the next nine months Investors are saying goodbye to their dividends as companies suspend payouts amid the COVID-19 crisis. Dividends are portions of company earnings distributed to shareholders to reward them …

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Top 20 of the funniest prevention messages, hard to miss

It’s not always easy to grab people’s attention. So what can you do when you want to send them a message at all costs? Once again, humor seems a good solution. 1. No one touches the owl Please excuse us for the inconvenience but the toilets are out of order. An owl has found a way to settle there and …

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Top 10 Dramatic Organizational Mistakes in Sport

The night before last, the evening of the Champions League final, an event took place that forever tarnished the image of France (zépartie for a little dramatic introduction). Liverpool supporters, who had their place, were turned down at the entrance to the Stade de France. Hard blow. But before raging against the French organization, because don’t panic we will do …

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Bankruptcy Wave Could Hit Oil Services Stocks

President Trump spoke with Saudi Arabia and Russia about the crude oil price war and believes that they will end their dispute “in a few days.” That seems overly optimistic because there’s a good chance that those nations intentionally crashed world oil markets to undermine U.S. energy production for their personal gain. And even an agreement might not move crude …

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Top 10 Most Racist Cartoon Characters

When you are a kid, you are always happy to watch a cartoon, but you are not always able to identify the small discriminatory and deeply racist problems of these. Fortunately, today, they are becoming increasingly rare and are immediately singled out when they are broadcast. On the other hand, a few decades back, advocating racist clichés didn’t shock anyone… …

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Top 15 everyday objects that we use longer than we should

In life, we have very few benchmarks. Time passes, we get older, we become embittered and stunted, friends leave us, loves kill us like big shit, children run out of the house… Fun, life. Fortunately, there are little things that are still faithful to us. Who stay there, discreetly. Silently. Without complaining. Everyday objects, these little loves that are definitely …

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Seasoned Issue Definition

What Is a Seasoned Issue? A seasoned issue is an issue of additional securities from an established company whose securities already trade in the secondary market. A seasoned issue is also known as a seasoned equity offering or follow-on public offering (FPO). New shares issued by blue-chip companies are considered seasoned issues. Outstanding bonds trading in the secondary markets are …

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