Detective Control Definition

What Is a Detective Control? Detective control is an accounting term that refers to a type of internal control intended to find problems within a company’s processes once they have occurred. Detective controls may be employed in accordance with many different goals, such as quality controlfraud prevention, and legal compliance. One example of a detective control is a physical inventory …

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Top 10 explanations behind cult horror movie scenes

Horror films are not only used to traumatize children, they are also a very special genre of cinema that deserves all our attention and our love. If you’ve ever wondered about some cult scenes or just want to learn a little more about some of the shootings of great films of the genre, then you’ve come to the right place …

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Top 11 techniques to not pay for your wedding (and save money)

A wedding = ultra embarrassing PowerPoints, a DJ who plays Patrick Sébastien 12 times, girls in high heels tearing their hair out for a bouquet or even a thousand people that you absolutely do not want to see, gathered in the same room. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it also has to cost a blind. Really. An arm, a …

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Zoom Stock Under Pressure After Hacking Disclosures

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (ZM) stock has dropped like a rock this week, falling 17% after testing the all-time high at $165 on Monday. Bugs, flaws, and hacking vulnerabilities have come to light as use of the video conferencing software has skyrocketed due to the coronavirus pandemic, exposing Zoom’s rapidly expanding customer base. Those disclosures have also shined an unwelcome …

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Top 30+ Gifts for Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Fans

You wanted a dog, we got you a guinea pig. Disappointed at first, you then got really attached to Peanut who was rolling around in his little wheel and shit absolutely everywhere. And then it stuffed you because you had to clean his cage all the time and you kind of abandoned him. And then one day he died and …

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Top 45+ gifts dedicated to Judo fans, more than a passion, a religion

Do you spend more time on the tatami than in your bed? Teddy Riner doesn’t even scare you? Are combat sports your hobby? Well I think you understood, we have concocted for you, young judoka, a top that suits you to show your passion. I promise I’ll stop the rhymes even if I have some left under the carpet.

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Compulsory Insurance Definition

What Is Compulsory Insurance? Compulsory insurance is any type of insurance an individual or business is legally required to buy. Compulsory insurance is mandatory for individuals and businesses that want to engage in certain financially risky activities, such as operating an automobile or operating a business with employees. Compulsory insurance is supposed to protect accident victims against the costs of …

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Top 16 memories we all have with our college diaries, the good old days

The start of the school year has already passed for some time, and yet, we keep rehashing our memories of SVT classes and rethinking the memories we kept of our Spanish classes. As a result, we saw each other again 10 years (20 years? 30 years? 70 years?) earlier scribbling things in our diary, this little book that contained more …

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