Transfer of Risk Definition

What Is Transfer of Risk? A transfer of risk is a business agreement in which one party pays another to take responsibility for mitigating specific losses that may or may not occur. This is the underlying tenet of the insurance industry. Risks may be transferred between individuals, from individuals to insurance companies, or from insurers to reinsurers. When homeowners purchase property …

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Top 9 Weird Things Melting Snow Causes To Reappear

If I say “global warming”, will you answer me? Exaaaactly, you answer me “we’re in deep shit” and you’re right! In addition to the big episodes of heat waves this summer, and the droughts which caused many things to reappear by surprise, global warming also induces the melting of snow (or even ice depending on altitude) in the mountains. Since …

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Exceptional Item Definition

What Is an Exceptional Item? An exceptional item is a charge incurred by a company that must be noted separately in its financial report in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Despite the name, such items are considered to be ordinary business charges but they must be separated out for the sake of financial reporting clarity. Key Takeaways An …

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Top 12 disturbing facts about the human body, this strange tool

The human body is a real madness. He is able to do amazing things like remembering your CAF beneficiary number or calling your ex when you’re too drunk (really the most boring thing our body does, without any explanation, no…). But he’s also capable of doing a little gross stuff that will leave you a little perplexed about your body …

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Income Smoothing Definition

What Is Income Smoothing? Income smoothing uses accounting techniques to level out fluctuations in net income from one period to the next. Companies indulge in this practice because investors are generally willing to pay a premium for stocks with steady and predictable earnings streams as opposed to stocks whose earnings are subject to more volatile patterns, which can be regarded …

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Top 10 worst quotes from Giorgia Meloni, the future Prime Minister of Italy

You have surely seen it in the news: in Italy, this Sunday, September 25, the alliance of the rights came to power by obtaining a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Huge problem, this alliance is led by the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party, itself led by Giorgia Meloni, a fan of Mussolini, conservative and anti-immigration. Suffice to …

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