A Career With No Limits

Several career paths are available to individuals seeking to become an investment professional. The traditional way to become licensed to trade or invest in securities (like stocks and bonds) is to pursue a test known as the Series 7. Administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Series 7 is considered one of the most difficult tests you can …

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Top 16 cartoons on the left, those who smell like sarouel

As Karl Marx said, it is not enough to drive a left-wing car or to wear left-wing marks to be left-wing. No, to have the right to sing Brassens in a demonstration and to piss in the shower to save the planet, you have to have seen at least one of these left-wing cartoons. It’s the rule, otherwise you’ll be …

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Top 10 fake connections found in cult cartoons

False connections, in the cinema, there are heaps of them! In movies, sagas (cc Harry Potter), series (Xoxo Gossip Girl) and of course… in cartoons! So no, we’re not going to reveal them all to you, we’ll let you spot them yourself (in truth, we’re just too lazy to give you a top 300, you know). But we still made …

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Definition, How It Works, and Types of Syndicates

What Is a Syndicate? A syndicate is a temporary alliance of businesses that joins together to manage a large transaction, which would be difficult, or impossible, to effect individually. Syndication makes it easy for companies to pool their resources and share risks, as when a group of investment banks works together to bring a new issue of securities to the …

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Top 25 of the best tweets about tendinitis from Magali Berdah

Do you live in this wonderful country of France? Then you must have heard of the Influencer Survey Supplement released last Sunday. And you can’t have not heard of Magali Berdah’s arm tendonitis either. Well, I’ll sum it up quickly: accused by the show’s journalist of not wearing the watch she promotes on the networks, influencer agent Magali Berdah replied …

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Top 10 horror movies that traumatized us the most in our childhood

So first of all first one: kids aren’t supposed to watch horror movies what the fuck? In short, apart from the fact that I discover that we all had irresponsible parents, your contributions have been rich in trauma. We feel that your nightmares have been fed by these horrible works. Editor’s note, we are aware that we have not all …

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Urgency to Save Small Businesses Grows

More funds for small businesses loan program expected soon Fed report says companies vulnerable to coronavirus shocks Small businesses provide 47.3% of private employment During yesterday’s Task Force briefing, President Trump said loans worth $70 billion of the $350 billion coronavirus small business loan program have been processed. He will also ask Congress for an additional $250 billion for the …

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Top 9 people who suddenly disappeared in Russia, a wonderful country

Russia is a beautiful country where sometimes strange things happen, as in all countries you will tell me, but there all the same it pushes the cursors of the unexplained a little. Recently a series of disappearances which mainly affect oligarchs close to power and all working in the energy sector has begun to take shape: a curious coincidence at …

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