Top 15 things to stop putting on your CV

Let’s go for the top HR that you will all follow diligently in order to reach professional nirvana by being hired in a start-up that manufactures AI capable of sorting chips. We’re going to talk CV. I personally cultivate a hatred of creative CVs of the genre “hehe I printed my resume on a cereal box” (asshole) so we’re going …

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Top 7 important events that have been swept under the rug, hush, shut up

It’s probably happened to you to do something stupid and try to quickly forget it by diverting attention, like pretending to cough to cover the sound of a fart. It’s normal, we all do that so we don’t judge. On the other hand, when it comes to historical and social events, it poses a little more problem because it can …

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Natural Gas Liquids (NGL): Definition, Types, Examples

What Are Natural Gas Liquids? Natural gas liquids (NGL) are components of natural gas that are separated from the gas state in the form of liquids. This separation occurs in a field facility or a gas processing plant through absorption, condensation, or other methods. There are several types of natural gas liquids and many different applications for NGL products. Understanding …

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Top 10 misconceptions about memory, my memory is faaaanche

The other day I wrote a top and at the end of the writing I had no memory of what I had just written. Should it be interpreted as a warning signal about my neuronal degeneration? Certainly yes. But we are not here to talk about my health problems and I will rather tell you a lot of folichons tips …

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Top 15 most heartbreaking player farewells to their clubs

YOUHOU, Mbappé stays with us, Ligue 1 still has a bright future ahead of it and in the teeth of Real Madrid. We thought we were going to have to have a terrible farewell with our favorite player, but phew we escaped the worst. This is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the worst goodbyes of players to clubs and …

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5 Developed Countries without Minimum Wages

What Are 5 Developed Countries Without Minimum Wages? There is much debate in the United States about the minimum wage. Many people feel it should be higher since those who earn the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour are often just barely making enough from full-time jobs to cover their basic necessities. Others feel any minimum wage discourages …

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Top 18 Things Your Cat Has Destroyed In Your Home, Don’t Keep Any Valuables

Does it really teach you anything to say that cat owners are fat vikoss? Certainly. And as many of us are part of this fragmented community, we have identified all the objects destroyed by this cute animal, including our self-esteem. 1. Your sofa armrests First he started ruining it by scratching his claws on it, then he kept going, pissing …

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Lisbon Treaty

What is the Lisbon Treaty? The Lisbon Treaty, also known as the Treaty of Lisbon, updated regulations for the European Union, establishing a more centralized leadership and foreign policy, a proper process for countries that wish to leave the Union, and a streamlined process for enacting new policies. The treaty was signed on December 13, 2007, in Lisbon, Portugal, and …

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