What Is Group Term Life Insurance? What It Is, How It Works, Pros & Cons

What Is Group Term Life Insurance? Group term insurance is a document known as one certificate that contains temporary coverage for a group of people. The standard group is a company, where the contract belongs to the employer who offers coverage for employees as a benefit. Most employers provide, at no cost, the base amount of group coverage plus optional …

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Avis Budget Reported Between Key Moving Averages

Avis Budget Group, Inc. (CAR) reported earnings after the close on Monday, Aug. 5, and beat analysts’ estimates. CAR opened Tuesday, Aug. 6, despite the good news below its 50-day simple moving average at $33.78, which puts it at risk to its 200-day simple moving average at $31.34. The weekly chart warned us before the stock entered this week below …

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How to Build Generational Wealth

Generational wealth is wealth that parents or grandparents pass on to their children and grandchildren. Having generational wealth can provide financial stability and opportunities for children, grandchildren, and even more generations in the future. But money is not the only valuable element of this type of intergenerational inheritance, says Taylor Kovar, CFP and chief executive officer of 11 Financial in …

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What Is Fuzzy Logic? Definition, Meaning, Examples, and History

What Is Fuzzy Logic? Fuzzy logic is an approach to variable processing, where the same variable can process multiple possible values for truth. In essence, Fuzzy Logic is an attempt to solve problems where the available data and rules of engagement are open-ended, imprecise and ill-defined in nature, yet return a plausible range of accurate results. It works by processing …

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Hedge Against Exchange Rate Risk with Currency ETFs

Investments in overseas stocks and bonds can earn a better return and add valuable diversification to a portfolio, but they bring along the extra risk of exchange rates. Given the potential for foreign exchange rates to distort portfolio returns they should be hedged where appropriate. Once upon a time, to make a profit or simply hedge against movements in different …

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What Is Moral Suasion? Definition, How It Is Used, and Example

What Is Moral Suasion? Moral suasion is ‘persuading people or groups to act (as toward charitable giving, personal hygiene, social reform) by rhetorical appeals and persuasion rather than by coercion or physical force’, to quote the OED. In economics, it tends to refer to central banks. Key Takeaways Moral suasion attempts to bring about a certain way of acting by …

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Insects Are Outsmarting Malaria Nets – and It Could Have Severe Consequences

Insecticide treatments effective against malaria also suppressed household pests, but resistance among these pests has led to their return, causing community distrust and a decline in the use of these malaria control methods. Credit: Photo courtesy of Matt Bertone, NC State University. A North Carolina State University study reveals that resistance among household pests to malaria-prevention insecticides is leading to …

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The building blocks of life can form rapidly around young stars

Scientists have long queried how the complex molecules needed for life could have formed around the tumultuous and violent environment of the sun in its youth. A family of meteorites called “chondrites” is theorized to have delivered the right stuff for life to Earth. But the question is, how did complex organic molecules containing elements like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen come …

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