150+ Persuasive Essay Topics with Examples

Essay topics

A persuasive essay uses a mix of logic, argument, and emotional appeal to guide the audience toward forming a specific opinion. Alternatively, it also aims to influence people to take a certain definitive action. 

With that being said, we are here to provide students with the best persuasive essay topics. They may use them to write projects for their institution, prepare for standardized testing, or even deliver speeches in public forums. 

In the following blog, there’s a list of several topics for a persuasive essay. These topics are categorized as per education level, specific field, and different themes. 

Persuasive Essay Topics for Students

Persuasive essay topics for students cover most of the writing points that a student might need in his/her educational assignment. These points are in the order of easy to advance, on the basis of the educational level of the child. 

For Elementary Students

The following topics could be used by students in grades 1 to 5.

  1. Why I should or should not share lunch with my classmates?
  2. I need not obey everything that adults say.
  3. Going to school daily is a must for every kid.
  4. Schools must have a lot of playtime for kids.
  5. There should be more trees in every school.
  6. Every kid must bring their pets to the school.
  7. Casual dress should be allowed for every kid in the school.

The abovementioned topics will require the child to use a mix of analysis, creativity, and guided reading to write a good essay.

For Middle School Students

The middle school students are in grades 6, 7, and 8. Following is a list of some good persuasive essay topics for them. 

  1. Schools should not be allowed to start early in the morning.
  2. There’s no need to work hard to get high grades.
  3. Is cheating in exams bad?
  4. Sports must always be played without rules and discipline.
  5. Eating junk food occasionally is not a crime.
  6. Why are girls & boys different?
  7. Children should be allowed on social media.

The above topics are in line with the daily experiences and feelings that a child at the age of 10 to 13 years inherits.

For High School Students

The high school students are within the age range of 13 to 18 years. Following are some persuasive speech topics for teens. 

  1. High school bullies must be dealt with, with courage.
  2. Cyberbullies should be immediately reported. 
  3. The age of ‘consent to sex’ must be increased to 18 years. 
  4. Girlfriends/boyfriends aren’t all that there is to life. 
  5. Is one’s family more important than one’s friends?
  6. The legal driving age must be lowered. 
  7. Is it okay to keep or not to keep a ban on drugs?

The above topics are appropriate for high school students of today’s generation, who are both more liberal and self-aware than previous generations at their age. 

For College Students

The college students are generally in the age range of 17 to 23 years old. 


Following are some of the topics that a student may use for their persuasive essay in college. 

  1. The great American dream is nothing but a myth.
  2. The zoos are no more than a prison for innocent animals.
  3. Veganism is no solution to climate problems.
  4. Migration is not a problem for a country like the USA.
  5. Every religious organization must pay taxes. 
  6. Is the dominance of the Dollar good or bad for this world?
  7. Why the USA need to worry about China?

These topics are appropriate for a college student with average cognitive skills, and writing on them will improve reading comprehension as well.

For University Students

Mostly university students possess a deep interest in a specific field. Choosing the best persuasive essay topics can help them to build deep knowledge and expertise.

  1. A university degree is useful to someone who wishes to pursue a career in education.
  2. The university education must be free for all.
  3. Only those students can pursue a university course who have a strong financial background – True or False? 
  4. Why more men are university professors than women?
  5. How technology can further aid university education?
  6. It is high time that we let go of standardized testing for university admissions.
  7. No university student should need to work in paid jobs to carry on their expenses.

Apart from these topics, university students could also use the following advanced topics. 

For Advanced Persuasive Essay Topics

The advanced persuasive essay topics could be useful for students preparing for an advanced exam.

  1. Schools and colleges must allow guns for students’ safety. 
  2. Feminism is a thing of the past. It’s time for meninism. 
  3. Why it is immigration that fails China, but benefits the US? 
  4. Privacy is a myth today.
  5. Monogamy has long gone. America is now about polygamy. 
  6. Shun all men. It is time for women in politics. 
  7. Why is it good that men and women are not equal?

For topics in ‘specific fields’, readers may scroll down to find them. 

Persuasive Essay Topics in ‘Specific Fields’

In the case of a particular degree program or test for a specific job type, one might need to prepare an essay in a specific field. A student may also choose a specific topic on the basis of his interests and skills. That said, some topics for the most popular fields and interests are given below.


The education topics for a persuasive essay are most common in teaching courses. Following are some of these topics that could be used as per one’s educational goals. 

  1. Video games are a wonderful source of education in specific skills. 
  2. Formal education is not a guarantee for success in this world. 
  3. Sex education isn’t a choice, but a necessity for today’s children.
  4. Let technology come, textbooks can never be replaced. 

Having gone through education topics, scroll further to read some popular political topics. 


A persuasive essay topic in politics links to the way of which the government and political structure in a country. 


Following are some of the popular political topics for writing essays.  

  1. Trump is a threat to America, but Biden is no answer to him.
  2. The USA should do away with democracy. Authoritarianism is the right way forward.
  3. Let the old vultures go. It’s time for the young to enter into politics. 
  4. Voting must become compulsory for all citizens.

One may use any of the above topics to assist themselves in writing a high-quality piece for their project. 


Further, there are some popular persuasive speech topics in the field of crime or legal. 

  1. There should be longer prison time for hitting children. 
  2. Teenage bullies must be dealt with by the law. 
  3. Is it right to make same-sex marriages legal?
  4. Legalizing Marijuana was a fault on the part of the government.
  5. The prostitutes must be protected by better laws in the country.

Readers may also explore the health topics for writing a good project. 


The health topics are generally searched by those interested in health education and jobs.

  1. Dieting is not the right solution for weight loss. 
  2. Vegetarianism is unnecessarily popularized. It’s a no-good feat. 
  3. Healthcare must be free all across the world.
  4. Alcohol must be limited if one has to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Nanotech has multiple uses in treatment. 

The above topics could be used to write a well-furnished piece that could easily persuade the audience into action. 


The topics on economy and finance are among the most difficult to write. Still, they’re interesting to those involved in such fields. 

  1. The USA must be the next host for the Olympics if it wants to revive its economy.
  2. The only way to a better society now is the introduction of a universal basic income for all. 
  3. Donald Trump must have set an example by paying more taxes. 
  4. The USA must set an example by banning all fossil fuel products. 

Thus, students may use any of the above topics to write a good essay. 

Art & Culture

There are also several topics on art & culture, which readers may use in their work.

  1. Is the USA a multi-culture or uni-culture nation?
  2. Graffiti must be banned.
  3. The definition of beauty in art keeps on changing.
  4. The world is not yet ready to embrace taboo cultures.

The above topics could be useful for both college and university projects for students. 


Persuasive writing topics on ethics generally involve a lot of debate and controversy. Some of the interesting ones are:

  1. It is okay to use animals in medical research. We’ve got no better option. 
  2. Censoring content on the internet is neither democratic nor ethical. 
  3. Freedom of speech is okay. But, is it ethical if it threatens a society?

The abovementioned topics could even be used for writing a persuasive speech. 


The topics in science are generally chosen by those involved in the fields of physics, chemistry, or biology. Following are some of the popular ones. 

  1. Why is Hydrogen not a reliable source of green energy?
  2. Human cloning must be banned.
  3. We cannot find, but cannot deny, the existence of aliens.
  4. Humans must not be afraid of robots. 
  5. Why was Elon Musk right to build a reusable rocket?

These topics could be used by both the students and researchers in their work. 


Further, there are some popular history topics that could be used by those fascinated by the past.

  1. Why does Putin still believe Ukraine to be a part of Russia?
  2. Without the French Revolution, France would not have been what it is today.
  3. Even without Hitler, there would’ve been World War 2.
  4. What could have been a world without ‘Genghis Khan’ in it?
  5. There was a way to avoid World War 1.

Some of the above topics are highly debatable, and could even be used in writing persuasive speech topics for teens. 


There are also some topics in the field of fashion that could be used to write a good piece of work.

  1. Without fashion, there is no personality.
  2. Men should wear pink, and women should wear black.
  3. Is no fashion really a fashion?
  4. The fashion trends in a community define that community.
  5. Celebrities must be more prudent in choosing a fashion brand. 

Therefore, these topics could be used by students in fashion courses for their academic assignments. 


There are certain unique persuasive essay topics in the field of sports. 

  1. Why do sports play an important part in building societies?
  2. Women’s teams must be given equal weightage as men’s teams. 
  3. Sports build discipline.
  4. Without an audience, no sport could be successful in its objectives.
  5. Sports persons experience the minimum number of illnesses. 

Thus, one may use these topics to write an academic, persuasive, or research essay on sports. 

Social Media 

With the recent public debates on social media and its impact on human health, social media topics are gaining popularity. Following are some of them.

  1. Social media bullying is not as uncommon, as we think it to be.
  2. Social media is both a boon & a curse. Depends on how you use it.
  3. Social media is not for grandparents.
  4. Children must not be allowed to use social media.
  5. How social media can impact a person’s mental health?

The above topics could be used to write an example of a persuasive essay, for presenting it in a university or college. 


Topics on Technology are quite popular in writing a good piece of work. Take a look at a few. 

  1. Thanks to Google, no one visits a library.
  2. Do not listen to skeptics. Technology has made our life easier.
  3. Internet frauds are on the rise. There is no way to avoid them.
  4. It is only tech that could save humanity from the climate crisis.
  5. It is okay to be tech-savvy. But remember, health comes first. 

One may use these topics whilst preparing an outline for a persuasive essay. 


There are also ideas for those who are interested in writing in the environment domain. 

  1. We mustn’t bring Dodo back to life. It’s just wrong.
  2. Renewable sources of energy are not that renewable.
  3. Do not underestimate noise pollution.
  4. The Paris Agreement could never be successful.
  5. What the Chinese can do for the environment that Europe can never. 

The persuasive speech ideas on the environment could also be used for public debates and discussions. 


Certain niche fields, like music, could also be used for writing a good persuasive essay. Following are some of the topics.

  1. Just listen to music. It can heal you. 
  2. Symphonies are better than songs.
  3. Music without commerce is in its purest form. 
  4. Has Jazz been extinct in music genres?
  5. Rap music is fine. But does it promote violence?

Apart from topics in a specific field, readers may also scroll down to find additional topics as per different themes.

Persuasive Essay Topic According to Themes

As per interest and writing skills, there are persuasive essay themes that cater to specific needs. These themes are helpful if writers are willing to write in a specific style and with specific emotions.

Fun Topics

One can choose from among the following funny and easy persuasive essay topics.

  1. All men should try women’s clothes for a day.
  2. Boys gossip more than girls, they just don’t admit it.
  3. My dog should cook his own food.
  4. If you drink, it is easy to make friends.
  5. One must not marry for a longer life.

Similar to fun topics, readers may also scroll down to explore the controversial topics for writing their piece of work. 

Controversial Topics

The controversial topics are generally those that do not have a perfectly right or wrong answer.

  1. Both suicide and euthanasia must be legalized. 
  2. Should we do away with the death penalty?
  3. Religion is fine. But it should not enter politics. 
  4. Education must be free for all.
  5. Let’s legalize prostitution. Sex should no longer be a taboo. 

The above list contains some very good topics for persuasive essay, which could also be used for speaking in public debates. 

Argumentative Topics

Similar to controversial topics, argumentative topics could also be used in public debates and discussions. Following are some popular topics.

  1. It is high time that the electoral college be abolished.
  2. Forget doing away with it, we must start eating more meat.
  3. Alcohol is good for one’s health.
  4. Science is wrong. Smoking does not cause cancer. 
  5. Public nudity is not that bad. Others must learn to look away. 

Since topics like the above have a stark contrast to popular beliefs held by many, memory & rote learning alone cannot help. There’s a need to use techniques like mind mapping, brainstorming, collaborative strategic reading, and synectics, to write a high-quality essay. 

Women/Gender Issue Topics

Good topics for persuasive essays could also be found under the theme of women or gender issues. 

  1. Women must play against men in all sports.
  2. Men can never understand their women.
  3. Breastfeeding in public is no point of shame.
  4. The gender pay gap is true. 

These topics could also be used by women to argue for their case in gender equality discussions. 

LGBTQ+ Topics

Some of the persuasive essay ideas could also be under the theme of the LGBTQ+ community.

  1. Individuals from LGBT groups experience cyberbullying more frequently than one might think. 
  2. LGBT relations in animals are far more common than we know. 
  3. It’s time to take note of homosexuality discrimination in militaries. 

Therefore, the above topics could be used for essays, debates, and discussions related to the LGBTQ+ community. 

Emotional Topics

There are also certain emotional topics that could be used in assignments and projects. 

  1. Older people should not be allowed to drive on busy roads.
  2. Parents whose kids are found driving must be put into prison.
  3. Child adoption must be made easier and more accessible.
  4. Parents who beat their children must be hanged. 

These emotional topics could be used to write high-quality essays to persuade others. 

Easy Persuasive Essay Topics

The easy persuasive essay topics could be used for producing pieces of work that are simple and straightforward. Following are some such topics.

  1. Alcohol is bad for one’s health.
  2. We should exercise daily.
  3. Marine life must be saved.
  4. Plastics must be banned. 
  5. We should plant more trees.

The above topics can be easily used to write school/college essays. 

Social Issues Topics

Further, there are also topics that are linked to the present social issues which are the point of debate. 

  1. It is time to censor songs with curse words.
  2. Should beggars be provided food from rich people’s taxes?
  3. Children below 14 should be allowed to hold a job. 
  4. Publishing fake news must be made illegal.

Apart from writing an essay, these topics could also be used to write speeches for debates in social forums. 

News Topics

Wondering, what’s a good topic for a persuasive essay in news and current affairs? Read further to find out.

  1. Is the world going into another financial crisis? 
  2. Britain’s crackdown on immigrants is unethical.
  3. The Quad is our only hope to deter China.
  4. Europe is the soft belly of America.
  5. Will climate change lead to more frequent and severe natural disasters in the coming years?
  6. Should governments prioritize renewable energy sources over fossil fuels to combat climate change?
  7. Is the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare beneficial or potentially harmful to patient privacy?

The above persuasive argument topics could be used to write essays and speeches that require knowledge of recent affairs around the world. 

How to Choose Topics for a Persuasive Essay

There are 5 ways to determine if one’s chosen topics for a persuasive essay are in line with objectives or not. 

  • Match personal interests & skills. The more one is passionate about a topic and has knowledge of it, the better the piece can be written. 
  • Match the purpose and objectives. What purpose or objectives does the essay have? 
  • Match with the audience’s interests. It must relate to the interests and knowledge level of the audience. 
  • Research. There must be enough content available on the topic. 
  • Pick a stance. Even on a single topic, there could be multiple stances. 

Further, to write an excellent piece of work, readers could also take the help of the writing prompts for persuasive essays. 

Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts

Apart from the topics, one can also use persuasive writing prompts to build mental clarity before writing the essay. 

  • It is the immigrants in a country who bring ideological openness, skills diversity, and creativity to every aspect of national growth. Instead of being afraid of immigrants, the USA must learn to welcome them with open hands.
  • Trump is a threat to America, but Biden is no answer to him. Recent polls suggest an even higher unpopularity of Biden. It might be due to his old age, stage gaffes, or messy withdrawal from Afghanistan. 
  • With the recent launch of several OTT platforms, the question that arises amongst social groups is their impact on communities. The movies and web series are an important representations of ideas that are prevalent in a community. 

Apart from using the above prompts, the readers may also use tips to produce a good essay. 

Tips for Writing Good Persuasive Essay Topics

One can write wonderful pieces of work with the help of simple tips and tricks. Take a look. 

  • Understand the audience: Prepare the essay according to the audience’s interests, needs, expectations, knowledge, and feelings. 
  • Do thorough research. No piece of writing could be of high quality without in-depth research. To do such research in a limited time, the writers must work to increase their average reading speed. 
  • Develop a stance. Never start the work without deciding upon the argument position. 
  • Identify counter-arguments. Even persuasive essays are incomplete without counter-arguments. 
  • Decide the outline. Before starting work, develop its full outline.
  • Make it engaging. Persuasive essays need to be engaging to sway the audience’s emotions in a specific direction.
  • Keep it simple. Above all, such writing pieces must be simple and easy to follow. 

To Sum it Up

The readers may choose from any of the persuasive essay topics. This choice can depend on several factors – their interests, knowledge, audience’s expectations, and overall objectives. 

However, what one must understand is that they can write wonderful pieces even with easy essay topics. All they need to do is rely on thorough research, insight, emotional appeal, and simplicity. 


Ans: Typically a 5 paragraph persuasive essay comprises – an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

Ans: The 3 types of persuasive writing involve an ethical appeal (ethos), an emotional appeal (pathos), and a logical appeal (logos). 

Ans: In a persuasive essay, never say things that lack logic, truth, or objective argument or do not serve the overall purpose of the essay. 

Ans: Persuasive essays can use ‘I’ and personal anecdotes; however, refrain from exaggeration, lies, or using sentences that don’t align with essay objectives. 

Ans: A persuasive essay could be as long as you want, provided that it aligns with the word limit expectations of the audience and its length justifies the topic being chosen.  

Ans: For a good introduction of a persuasive essay, always include these 5 things: topic sentence, your stance/argument, facts, example, and a 1-2 line explanation of the topic.


  • Payal Maheshwari

    Payal Maheshwari is a dynamic content creator specializing in lifestyle, marketing, tattoos, and news. With a flair for creativity and a knack for storytelling, she delivers engaging and informative content tailored to diverse audiences.

  • Thiruvenkatam
    : Reviewer

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of www.tipsclear.com, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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