The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics

How can you increase your Pinterest reach?

Pinterest Analytics is a free tool that lets you track metrics such as impressions and clicks. These analytics will help you better understand your pins, determine what your audience likes, and take data-driven actions to increase the number of people who see your content.

This comprehensive guide will help you to measure the effectiveness of your Pinterest campaigns. This guide will cover the following topics:

What is Pinterest analytics?

Pinterest Analytics, a powerful tool that is built into the platform by Pinterest for free to measure user performance.

Pinterest Analytics allows you to measure many metrics including impressions and saves. It also lets you track pin clicks. You can then modify your strategy in order to meet the needs of your users.

You’ll also need to have a Pinterest Business account in order to be able create ads and promote Pins.

What is Pinterest Analytics?

Pinterest Analytics allows you to select data for any period.

Pinterest Analytics can help you identify trends and patterns in your Pinterest campaigns over time.

The data can be sorted by device. This can help you determine how to optimize your site for desktop versus mobile.

Pinterest Analytics also allows you to export stats as a CSV, useful for any report or audit.

Let’s look at some tools that you can use in order to monitor your Pinterest performance.

Three Pinterest analytics tools to track your performance.

You can use these three Pinterest Analytics Tools to measure the performance of your website.

Take a look at these tools, one-by-one.

1. Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics, as mentioned above, is a free tool built into Pinterest that allows you to track the success of your Pinterest campaigns. You’ll need to have a business account in order to access Pinterest Analytics.

You’ll find four metrics on the mobile version of Pinterest Analytics:

  • Impressions –the total number of views for your pins. It could come from a user’s feed or category, or if they search.
  • Engagements – The total engagements of your pins including saves, clicks and comments.
  • Total Audience — total audience is the number of people that have visited or interacted with your pins.
  • Number of engaged audience members — The number of people that have interacted with your pins.

If you want to measure the analytics of your entire account, or just individual boards or pins, then this is what you can do.

2. Tailwind

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Tailwind is another great tool that you can use for analyzing your Pinterest metrics. Tailwind, a scheduling tool that works for Pinterest and Instagram, includes analytics.

This tool is more than just vanity metrics. It tracks engagement and virality. Even down to the pin level, you can track ROI and look at transactions, visits, revenue, etc.

There are also powerful filters that allow you to uncover insights by boards, heatmaps of interest to ensure you focus on the correct content and trending reports so you know what is trending now even if you pinned it months ago.

Tailwind is a great tool if you want a lot of information.

3. Olapic

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Olapic, a user-generated short-form enterprise video content platform, helps drive brand engagement by combining influencers, user-generated videos, and short-form video.

You can use the scheduling tool and analytics to track engagement, ROI and influencer interaction.

Let’s find out which metrics to track in order to determine the success of Pinterest marketing.

18 Important Pinterest Metrics to Track

Here are seventeen important Pinterest metrics you should keep an eye on.

1. Impressions

Impressions are the same as any other social network. They measure how many times you content has been displayed.

The number of Pinterest impressions is the amount of time your content has appeared in an individual’s search result, category or user feed. This metric can be tracked for an individual pin, or your entire Pinterest account.

Look for trends in your content and see what categories or keywords are most popular.

If, for example, your post “Quotes by impressive marketing leaders”, performs extremely well, then you may want to focus more on thought leadership content.

2. Pin Clicks

Pinterest defines the pin clicks in terms of how many times your pin or ad is clicked so that it appears close-up.

It’s crucial to review your strategy if you aren’t getting any traffic from Pins. Perhaps the Pins that have low impressions do not look appealing. Maybe they are not appealing to your audience.

You can use this metric to see how people are interacting with the Pins you’ve created. This metric can be tracked for either a particular pin or your entire Pinterest account.

Consider implementing the following tactics to increase your chances of getting people clicking on links:

  • Make pins with a visual appeal that will resonate well with your audience.
  • Write compelling descriptions.
  • Test different pins to see what you like and dislike.
  • Include keywords in your pin title and description.

3. Savings

Saves (formerly known as repins), helps you to understand the type of content that your audience is interested in and saves for future use.

It’s good to see people saving your content. It means that they are interested in your content, and have saved it to refer back to later. This metric can be tracked for an individual pin, or your entire Pinterest account.

It is possible to analyze the type of content that people save most. We highly recommend you to find out the reasons behind this. Understand why. If it fits with your strategy for content, then make more.

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4. Outbound Clicks

Pin clicks are often confused with outbound clicking. The number of pin clicks is the amount of times your Pin or ad has been clicked to enlarge the image.

Outbound clicks are the number of times your pin has been clicked to reach the URL. This metric can be tracked for either a particular pin or your entire Pinterest account.

If someone clicks on one of your Pins, it counts as one pin. If that person goes one step further and clicks on the URL of that destination pin, it counts as an outbound link.

Use link clicks and outbound clicks as a way to measure the success of your Pinterest strategy.

5. Top Pins

Content on Pinterest has a very long life span. Your content will accumulate more metrics on Pinterest than it would elsewhere.

You can use your Top Pins to determine the best content you have over time. You can go back to a campaign you ran a year earlier and track the results.

This information can be used to help you plan your next marketing campaign. You can choose to sort top pins based on impressions or engagements.

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6. Profile Visits

You can use the profile visits metric to see how many people have visited your profile following your pin.

Please note that the word “idea” has been used in our definition. A regular pin and an idea pin are two different things. This is similar to Instagram Stories. Regular pins do not allow you to upload video. It is possible, however, to upload videos on idea pins.

The idea pins serve to grow your Pinterest profile and increase your brand’s awareness, but you cannot add any destination URLs to them.

This is one reason Pinterest lets you track how many people have visited your profile for idea pins. You can’t do this for regular pins.

7. Follows

Follows allows you to keep track of the followers that have been attributed to an idea pin. It’s simply the number of users who followed you after engaging with your pin.

This metric is not available for regular pins. It is possible only with idea pins.

8. Engagements

It’s not worth having thousands of followers if your pins aren’t engaging.

You should make your Pinterest posts engaging if you want to spend your efforts on Pinterest marketing.

Pinterest’s Engagement Metric allows you to achieve this. Engagements shows the number of Pins that have been saved and clicked.

The engagement metrics can be found by going to your account and clicking the Analytics metric at the upper-left corner. Selecting analytics from the Business Tools section will then show you the data.

9. Total Audience

Total audience refers to the number of users who have viewed or interacted with your Pins. This metric will give you a better understanding of how many unique users have viewed or interacted your Pins.

Do not confuse impressions with Pins. Impressions is a metric that measures the number of times your Pins have been displayed.

The total audience is the number of unique people who were exposed to the pin. You can use this metric to determine how many people are being reached.

10. Engaged Audience

The engaged audience metric, unlike the total audience metric, takes into consideration the number of people that have interacted with each pin. This metric shows you the number of people who have commented on, saved, clicked, or reacted upon your pin.

This metric will allow you to track how many people interact with your Pinterest pins. It allows you to measure the engagement level and interaction.

11. Engagement Rate

The engagement rate is calculated by dividing the total number of clicks, saves, and other actions with your pins by the amount of time your pins have been viewed. You’re basically dividing impressions by engagements.

You can use this metric to understand the level of engagement your audience has with your content.

This metric should be tracked month over month along with others to measure how effective your Pinterest strategy is.

12. Pin Click Rate

Pinterest defines the pin click rate by dividing the total clicks to your pin (to content in the user’s feed or search engine) by the amount of time your pin was displayed on the screen.

This is the formula for calculating pin click rates:

This metric will help you understand how well your Pins drive engagement with your users and encourage them to click through your content both inside and outside Pinterest.

13. Outbound Click Rate

The outbound click rate represents the percent of total clicks on your pins that lead to their destination URL divided by how many times they appeared.

Take these tips into account to increase your click-through rate.

  • You can use a simple tool such as Canva to create attractive, clickable pins.
  • Do not give all of the information about your pin away – it will encourage your audience to click through.
  • Try out different variations of the call to action.
  • What works, do more of.

14. Savings Rate

The percentage that your pins have been saved divided by how many times they appeared on the screen is your save rate.

This is the formula for calculating your savings rate.

This metric, we believe, is more important than the outbound rate or clicks.

It’s important to note that when someone saves your content it means they have connected with the material you are presenting. The people are either saving the content for future reference, or sharing it with someone that they know.

15. Monthly Audience Total

The monthly total audience represents the number of people that have seen your pins or interacted with them in the past 30 days. The same as total audience, but for a month’s worth of data (the last 30 days).

This metric can be tracked every month to gain insight into monthly growth. It will also help identify trends and seasonal patterns, establish future goals, improve content planning, as well as assess your campaign’s effectiveness.

16. Engagement Monthly

The monthly engaged audience represents the number of people that have interacted with your pins over the past 30 days.

The monthly engaged audience is calculated the same way as monthly total audience (last 30 day) but specifically for one month.

This metric can be used to track your user engagement, understand how your content is being received, as well as identify any trends.

17. The demographics of the audience

Viewing demographics such as age, gender and location will help you learn more about the audience.

You can compare two groups of people side by side to find out the differences or similarities.

This data will help you make better decisions, and customize your Pinterest strategy so that it reaches your audience and maximizes engagement.

18. Audience Affinities

This section will show you the most popular boards where your content has been pinned. You will be able to better understand who your target audience is and why they are interested in your content.

Let’s learn how to monitor your Pinterest Analytics now that you know what metrics to look for.

You can check your Pinterest analytics by clicking on the link below.

You need to ensure that you already have a Pinterest Business Account.

You won’t have access to the analytics if you don’t. You can create a Pinterest Business Account if you do not already have one.

If you have a Pinterest Business account, or already do, you will be able to measure Pinterest Analytics on both desktop and mobile. We have you covered, whether you want to track your analytics via mobile or desktop.

Learn how to use Pinterest Analytics on each device.

Let’s start by looking at the desktop.

You can check Pinterest Analytics from your desktop.

Follow these steps to check Pinterest Analytics desktop:

1. Log in to the business account on

2. After logging in, click on the Analytics icon at the upper left corner.

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3. You’ll find these options when you hover over the Analytics icon:

  • Overview Track the performance of boards and pins.
  • Conversion Insights to Measure the Impact of your Paid and Organic Performance on Pinterest.
  • Track audience data. Compare different audiences.
  • Trendsto find out what is popular on Pinterest.

On mobile, you can only access a limited number of metrics. We highly recommend using Pinterest Analytics Desktop.

We’ve also got you covered if your next step is to use analytics via mobile.

You can check Pinterest analytics on mobile.

Follow these steps to access Pinterest Analytics for mobile devices (Android or iOS):

1. Start your Pinterest app on the mobile device.

2. Sign in to your account.

3. You can click on the picture of your profile in the lower-right corner.

4. Click on Audience Analytics in the upper-left corner.

5. You can access Business Tools by clicking on the following link:

  • Analytics: measures overall Pinterest analytics.
  • Track audience data: for tracking audience insights

Note Track metrics such as saves, clicks and impressions on individual boards or pins.

Learn more on how to utilize Pinterest to grow your business by reading The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Marketing.

Are you excited to monitor your Pinterest performance on the web?

Pinterest offers a variety of metrics which will help your business. It’s also important to remember that the Pinterest strategy of one company may not be right for your business.

Analytics allows you to experiment with different formats of content, ultimately adding value to the overall brand experience for your customers.

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Baker Russell: Russell Baker is a distinguished content writer at, recognized for his exceptional ability to craft engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a deep understanding of various subjects, Russell has earned a reputation as a top content creator in the digital landscape. His writing style combines thorough research with a reader-focused approach, ensuring even the most complex topics are presented in an accessible and engaging manner. Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality content consistently makes him a standout figure in the competitive realm of online writing.