Post-pimple spots how to eliminate them: 7 remedies

Who has suffered from knows acne strict, but also those who have had only a few imperfections every now and then: once the imperfection has disappeared, a red or brown post-pimple spot will most likely remain.

It seems to be the unavoidable consequence of any imperfection, but something can be done to understand how to delete acne blemishes faster, than their natural course, which can go from one or two months up to a year. To treat imperfection, you first need to understand what it is causing.

Post-pimple spots how to eliminate them

Acne is inflammation of the skin, the manifestation of which persists even after the end of its active phase, in the form of skin spots. There are of two types: red, post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), e brown, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). The first are the red spots immediately following the disappearance of the pimple, a sign that the skin is still working on the skin lesion and the elimination of bacteria. The second are the next phase, which is activated if the lesion is stimulated aggressively, for example by squeezing the pimple, and which also involves theoverproduction of melanin which darkens the area.

Pimple spots like removing them

PreventionIt is always the best of strategies. To avoid the formation of red acne spots as much as possible, you must avoid wringing, touching and massacring pimples and blackheads, preventing bacterial proliferation and aggravation of inflammation. Another fundamental preventive gesture to avoid the evolution in brown spots is to wear the sunscreen with SPF 30 or more and which also protects against UVA. Sun exposure stimulates further photoinduced melanin production which can further darken post-acne spots.

How acne spots are treated

If, despite the effort, acne spots have also formed, here’s how to erase them progressively and faster, choosing the ingredients skincare righteous.

AHA acids

The acids of the AHA fruit, such asglycolic acid, lactic acid or mandelic acid, have an exfoliating power on the skin surface, which helps depigment the spots. Use them in the form of peeling chemical, to be performed by a dermatologist in high or milder percentages for domestic use. Always apply the SPF the day after using AHA.

C vitamin

L-ascorbic acid is ideal for reduce the pigmentation of post-acneic dyschromias, to reduce inflammation and to improve the healing response of the skin. The best way to use vitamin C on the face is in its version powder to be mixed at the moment with demineralized water to create a tonic do-it-yourself to be passed on the face.


The derivatives of vitamin A are among the most potent ingredients for skincare and also perform an anti-stain action. They stimulate the regeneration of the skin surface, attenuating acne spots and marks. They apply only in the evening, and always require the use of the SPF during the day.


There vitamin B3 it is an ingredient of extraordinary beauty, which also helps in treating skin spots, as well as performing an action anti-inflammatory and sebum-normalizing. Choose it in the form of serum to be applied before the moisturizer.

Kojic acid

It is able to inhibit the biosynthesis of melanin and to attack the already formed, helping to lighten the stains skin and to prevent the formation of futures.

Azelaic acid

It is a fundamental ingredient in the treatment of acne and its consequences. It has properties antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and depigmenting agents.

Licorice extract

It is an interesting cosmetic active, thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory and healing action, while limiting melanin production, thus acting on both types of acne spots.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.