Puppy: How To Care For your Pet Dog

Puppy: He will be there by your side, as your loving companion – he will offer you protection if ever the need arises. Dog owners in turn need to know how to care for and be responsible for their dogs. The dog’s needs are simple and easy to follow. When the puppies come home, they need a lot of love and attention. They can be a little stressful at first because it is probably the first time that they are away from their mother and their companions.

It is important that you begin the socialization process, generally incorporating your new pet into your family and teaching them to relate to people and other animals through gentle play, interaction, and enjoyable meetings with friends of the family. family and pets

A stress-free environment for your puppy

Try to avoid sudden loud noises such as screaming children or slamming doors. Also, limit visitors to your new puppy – gradually allowing it to get used to increasingly strange faces.


Provide a comfortable, warm bed – or a cardboard box with lots of layers of newspaper and a washable blanket on top. Make sure your puppy will enter it when he grows up. Place the puppy’s bed where you want him to sleep as an adult or an adult dog – usually, the best place would be a quiet, private area. For the first few nights – decanting period – a soft toy and a bottle of warm (not hot) water placed under the bedding will help you. The puppy can be noisy and stressed at night immediately after its separation from its companions. A low radio or an alarm clock can help soothe it.

When the puppy is awake during the day – give it lots of body contact and speak to your puppy in a soft voice to express friendship and a gruff voice to express disapproval of any of its unwanted actions.

Keep your puppy safe

The following should be taken into account when preparing for the arrival of a new puppy. Lockout household and garden chemicals. – Make sure that the electrical cords are out of reach.

Be extremely careful when using lawnmowers, skateboards, inline skates or anything similar.

Make sure the puppy cannot cross any pool fence.

Teach your puppy house rules

The new member of the “family pack” must learn that you are the pack leader and that it is the bottom dog of the pack. Once the new puppy recognizes its place in the family hierarchy, it will be happier and easily trained to obey commands. The puppy will turn to his pack leader to protect him and make decisions for him.

Nutritional requirements

It is best to start by giving your puppy the same diet he ate before joining your family. You can slowly introduce any changes over several days to avoid causing digestive upset. Commercial puppy food is recommended, then commercial adult food – good, well-balanced dry food is essential. A constant supply of fresh, clean water must be available. A deep stainless steel or terracotta bowl will keep the water cool and in summer ice can be added to the water.

Play with your dog

Puppies love to play and this helps them grow and learn. At first, when they play with their comrades, it gives them exercise and that’s how they compete for their command in the peloton. Don’t be hard on your puppy – but it is also important at these early stages that your puppy learns that family members dominate. Chewing helps puppies chew – but it’s also a way to investigate their environment. This need is easily met with chewable objects and toys. Make sure they don’t look like things you don’t want to chew on, for example, how does the puppy distinguish between his old shoe and all other shoes in the household?

Puppy dog ​​potty training

Anticipate toilet needs. Take your puppy outside as soon as he wakes up, as well as before and after each meal. Go outside with your puppy – it’s very important. Take him to a specific area of ​​the garden and wait for it to be finished – always praise the puppy afterward.

The Importance of Exercising Your Pet Dog

A retractable leash is ideal for a puppy, that way you cannot force the puppy to exercise more. Adult dogs also need exercise and play – walking a dog every day is great, or playing in the park with a ball or stick. If each day is too difficult to manage, try at least four times a week.

Grooming Your Dog

Get your new dog used to being cared for, handled, and examined as soon as possible. Your grooming equipment should include a brush and a dog comb. Establish a daily routine where you examine the mouth, teeth, eyes, ears, abdomen, paws, and other parts of your dog’s anatomy, and even if he does not need to be cared for, do it anyway. If your dog is regularly treated, you will only need to wash it if it is really dirty or smelly.

It is best to use lukewarm water and give the dog a brush first. Use a suitable dog shampoo and dry it with its own special dog towel before it cools down. The nails should be clipped as needed based on the breed of the dog and the area the dog usually walks on. If it’s a hard surface, they walk on the nails and wear out naturally. Special nail clippers for dogs are available – if you are unsure of this process, ask your veterinarian or groomer to show you the process.

By following these simple steps, you will ensure that your family and the new family edition have a happy, healthy, and rewarding time together.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.