Ringworm in Dogs: What to Look For and How to Treat

Ringworm in dogs is a very common fungal infection that is highly infectious. There is an incubation period of approximately two weeks from the time the fungus becomes active. During this period, you can have contact with your pet and the spores will be transferred to you. The problem is that once the fungi are in you, they will be with you for life. It is possible to contract the disease from another dog that has the same symptoms as yours. If your pet is constantly scratching, losing weight, has wounds or any other signs of illness, it’s very possible that he has ringworm in dogs.

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Ringworm in Dogs

There are several ways of how to treat ringworm in dogs. Each treatment will provide a different level of comfort based on the stage of infection. In the early stages, you can attempt to remove the cause of the ringworm. If you find that your pet has a sore, try treating that area with an antifungal ointment. In case the problem is redness and swelling, apply benzoyl peroxide cream to reduce the inflammation. If the ringworm is located around the ears, try applying drops to help alleviate ear infection symptoms.

The purpose of treating ringworm in dogs is to alleviate any discomfort and promote healing. You should also try to reduce the itching sensation. Antifungal creams and ointments are often used in treating ringworm in dogs. These medications should be applied regularly to promote infection free skin.


When your pet begins to exhibit ringworm in dogs symptoms, you should immediately take him to the vet. Your vet may suggest an antibiotic ointment or a topical lotion that will kill the spores on the skin. There are several antifungals available that are effective against dogs. Some of these are prescribed by your vet, while others can be purchased over-the-counter.

While treating ringworm in dogs, you should make sure that your dog is properly cleaned. All fur or skin contacts should be removed and then carefully washed. Make sure that all shampoo is rinsed off, including the paws. The paws should be thoroughly dried and then covered with a non-skid pad or towels to prevent the skin from becoming moist.

Treating Ringworm

Treating ringworm in dogs may take some time depending on the severity of the infection. If the ringworm in dogs is not responding to conventional medication, you may have to resort to more radical methods to get your dog free of the fungus. Many veterinarians recommend that their dogs undergo chemotherapy or even surgery if more severe cases are present.

When treating ringworm in dogs, you should always remember that prevention is better than cure. This means that you have to keep an eye on how often your dogs get contact with any animal. A little bit of prevention is much better than having to deal with a very severe case of ringworm in dogs. You should take care of your pets, even if they seem to be fine on their own.

Real Cure

Although there is no real cure for ringworm in dogs, proper treatment can help your dog recover from the infection. Remember that it is best to catch ringworm early before it can affect other parts of your dog’s body. Consult your vet before starting any treatment, and never treat your pet lightly since serious side effects can occur.

Ringworm in dogs can be difficult to detect, but you can get some clues about its appearance from its behavior. An infected dog may be scratching itself constantly, and most often it also exhibits other symptoms such as frequent ear scratching and hair loss. When you notice these symptoms in your dog, schedule a visit with your local veterinarian. A veterinarian can diagnose your dog’s condition and give the right treatment.

Prescribed Treatment

The treatment prescribed by your vet may include medication, lotion, ointment, or antibiotics. These medicines should only be given on the advice of a veterinarian and only after carefully examining your dog’s skin. If you want to use medicines for treating ringworm in dogs, make sure they are safe for them. Many medicines available today have been tried and tested on laboratory animals, but may be dangerous for your dogs. Before administering any medicine, read the label carefully to ensure that it will not harm your dog.

It is very important to treat ringworm in dogs promptly because it can spread quickly and become very serious. Dogs that are not treated soon enough can suffer from serious complications. To prevent ringworm in dogs, keep them clean and grooming them on a regular basis. Keep your pet’s skin clean and dry, because the fungus that causes ringworm can thrive in damp and warm places.

Health Care For Your Pet Dog

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.