Sesa Hair oil Review, Price and How to use

Sesa Herbal Hair Oil Review and price

Hi Everyone! This post is reading sesa hair oil review. A good hair oil is important in any hair care routine. Do you apply hair oil regularly? I do not use hair oil regularly but as per the season. Like in winters, I will use hair oil 2 times in a week and in summers when my hair is already getting oily then I will use hair oil once in 15 days to give them the nourishment. So, I will review Sesa herbal hair oil. I have used this sesa hair oil lots of time, I mean, I used it 3-4 years ago then got this bottle again. I have used a lot of hair oils but there is something in it that I like using this sesa  hair oil. This oil is full of herbal ingredients that you can read on the pack and this has coconut oil as well because this gets solidify in winters. Also see the list of best hair growth Hair Oils in India

Hair oils can protect the hair from getting grey faster. It also stops the hair fall and initiate the growth of new hair. While it treats the hair related problems men too can try it for their hair loss and baldness problem.

sesa hair oil review, price benefits

Price of Sesa hair oil in India

This Sesa herbal oil costs 95 rupees for 90 ml bottle that can be used for 3 years which is its shelf life. Buy this online here

Ingredients of sesa herbal hair oil

The ingredients list is mentioned on the pack. I am happy that this sesa hair oil have triphala, which is the mixture of amla, shikkakai and reetha along with that this has Brahmi, lemon oil, coconut oil and jatamansi. All these are really good for the hair fall control, dandruff and hair regrowth. Triphala also makes hair shinier.

sesa hair oil ingredients

Experience with Sesa Oil for Hair growth, Hair fall and Hair texture

The bottle is a white colored bottle with a maroon cap. I like the packaging. But in winters the oil will get solidify a bit so; I have to put the bottle in the microwave to melt the oil a little bit. The oil is a very light green in color, I think this is due to amla extracts, Brahmi and other herbs. The smell of this oil is a bit strong. This strong smell is due to so many herbs in it. It was very strong smelling then I applied it first on my hair. But later on, I can bear it. 🙂

sesa herbal hair oil review

How I use this sesa hair oil:

I use to apply this oil at night to give myself hot oil massaging. Hot oil massaging is an Indian hair care tip for thick hair  that our grandmother used to do. It actually makes the hair stronger and shinier. I will take some oil in a small katori or bowl then heat it over the burner or in the microwave. Then, I use this oil lightly with my fingers on the scalp. I will then massage the oil on the scalp and some on the hair. I will then tie the hair in a braid and then go to sleep. The next morning, I will wash my hair with mild shampoo. I use patanjali Kesh Kanti hair cleanser shampoo which takes off the oil and makes the hair very smooth. This oil needs some extra shampoo to cleanse it completely.

sesa hair oil review and price

Benefits and results:

I really love how my hair feels stronger and a lot softer. The shine that this oil and the patanjali kesh cleanser both gives to my hair is just amazing. I was using this sesa hair oil when my hair were rough and dry, so this has give me some good results on making the hair smoother and a lot softer.

I was also suffering from some hair fall but honestly this sesa hair oil has not done much for the hair fall. My hair fall stopped when I stopped taking stress and concentrated more on eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. I know you may think this is not true but trust me, we apply oils just on the scalp but what we eat gives us more benefits. So, when I improved my diet then my hair fall was stopped. See: Hair growth Vitamins for long Hair

sesa hair oil review, price benefits

My mother also uses this sesa hair oil and the kesh king hair oil and she said that for her both of these oils have done good things in stopping her hair fall. She also said that this sesa hair oil have made new hair grow on her scalp. I don’t know why it did not work for me and worked for her. I think it depends from person to person. Like the way every thing cannot work for everyone the same way this oil will not show results in hair fall for every one, in fact I have seen some oils work good for some people and other will hate that products. 🙂 It happens.

But I am happy that improving my diet has stopped my hair fall finally and I am getting my thicker hair again. You can check my picture in the sidebar which is a couple of months old. I still like this oil as this has so many herbs in it and makes my hair very silkier, smoother and shinier. It suits me better than the Indulekha herbal hair oil.

Good about Sesa hair oil

  • This sesa hair oil is affordable and last for 2-3 months
  • It is available in medical stores, online shops etc
  • This hair oil makes my hair smoother and silkier
  • It also gives relief in dandruff and dry itchy scalp
  • Seas oil has coconut oil which makes the hair strands thicker and bouncier
  • It has no chemicals but is being made with tailpak method
  • Brahmi and bhringraj helps to make the hair grow
  • I have not faced any side effects after using this hair oil

Not so good about Sesa hair oil

  • It has a very strong smell
  • I have not seen relief in hair fall but my mum has says that it has reduced the hair fall, so, I am confused what to say.

Rating- 4 out of 5

Take- Sesa Hair Oil is a very inexpensive hair oil which is easily available. This makes the hair smoother and silkier. This is really good to use for the hot oil treatments as this hair oil is infused with so many herbal ingredients like Brahmi, Amla, Triphala, Bhringraj etc. It has strong smell but good for hair. For me, this has not done much for hair fall but for my mom it has reduced the hair fall. So, I think this depends on the person to person.

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About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.