5 Seth Rogen movies you should watch right now

Few movie stars have had a more unlikely evolution than Seth Rogen. The Canadian actor has proven over his years as a mainstream star that he can be really hilarious, but it turns out he can really act, too.

He has played a lot of challenging roles during his career, as well as some that really showcase the qualities in every person that make him so appealing. These films showcase Rogen’s full potential and are five of the best films to watch this October.

The Fablemans (2022)

The Fablemans Official Trailer [HD]

Rogen has always had incredibly solid qualities as an actor, but he’s never been able to show them off as much as he does in this. The Fablemans, The film, which chronicles Spielberg’s own adolescence, carefully tracks his mother as she slowly falls in love with her father’s best friend, portrayed by Rogen.

Rogen plays that role well. He’s so lovable that you immediately understand why someone might fall in love with him, and Spielberg is eager to prove that this guy is no villain, even if it does split the director’s parents up.

Knocked Up (2007)

Probably the prototype Rogen film, Knocked He follows her as she is forced to grow up after a one-night stand turns into a long-term commitment when the woman he hooked up with becomes pregnant. Knocked It’s about growing up, but it’s also about realizing that there are more important things in your life than your own happiness. It doesn’t hurt that the film is also exceptionally funny.

Rogen definitely proved he can do comedy here. He’s the perfect combination of helpless, stupid, and charming, and he’s one of the keys to the film’s success.

Funny People (2009)

The most serious of all Judd Apatow’s peak-era comedies, funny people It stars Adam Sandler as a highly successful standup comedian who discovers he has a fatal disease. That discovery leads her to mentor a young comedian, played by Rogen, and the two begin to bond as they tour together.

funny people It, like many Apatow films, is about finding what’s really important to you, and it was the first opportunity for Rogen to take on a part that had elements of both comedy and drama. Both he and Sandler nail the acting beautifully.

Long Shot (2019)

Sometimes, what you really want is a great comedy, and this is exactly what it is long shot Is. Telling the story of a Secretary of State with presidential ambitions who hires a highly principled, left-leaning speechwriter, the film is funnier than it has any right to be, and also manages to be mostly politically coherent. Does it.

long shot Not actually set in our universe, but it’s politically connected enough not to feel completely alien. However, more than anything, the film rests on the excellent chemistry between Charlize Theron and Rogen in the two lead roles, and they sell it perfectly.

Neighbors (2014)

Fueled by great actors and full of great gags, neighbors Possibly one of Rogen’s best comedies to date. Its premise is remarkably simple: what if a young family moves next door to a fraternity house, and many, many conflicts begin from there. However, what makes the film great is how much comedy it injects into every scenario.

Rogen, Sac Efron, Rose Byrne and Dave Franco are all wonderful here, along with a sharp script that gives each of them a lot to do. Rogen is more versatile than some people give him credit for, but sometimes, it’s great to see him be funny.


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