Shop Quality – Why It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Fast Fashion

Shop Quality – Why It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Fast Fashion: Not so long ago, clothing companies released new looks a few times a year, essentially in correspondence with the seasons. That meant that, barring a special occasion or a child’s growth spurt, people only shopped once or twice a year, when they would pick up staples to wear year-round, like new jeans or work shirts. It’s a concept that’s almost unrecognizable now.

Take a quick look around your local mall today and this is what you’ll see: trendy stores release new looks every few weeks, creating constant demand for cheap, up to the minute goods. Known as fast fashion, these stores sell inexpensive, low quality items meant to be worn a few times and then tossed. It’s an ethically troublesome and ultimately unsustainable system and although young people today have been conditioned to see clothing as cheap and disposable, it’s an industry that’s feeling the pressure.

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Cancelling Fast Fashion

The concept of fast fashion and, more recently ultra-fast fashion popularized by online only merchants, has come under fire for its environmental impact and general wastefulness. Why, critics ask, would people buy cheap clothing that breaks down in the wash and that will be out of style within weeks? Some have even taken to referring to the industry as “throwaway fashion” for the speed at consumers dispose of these garments. Luckily, as more voices highlight this issue, the trends are changing. 

In response to the wastefulness of fast fashion, many influencers are highlighting secondhand buys and styling the items already in their closets, while shoppers are shifting their attention to higher quality goods. By purchasing clothing that’s meant to last, shoppers can reduce their carbon footprint while saving money in the long-run.

Sustainability And Value

One reason fast fashion has been so popular is recent years is for its supposed affordability. It’s easy to justify buying a $10 shirt on a whim, while a $40 shirt might mean taking your budget into account. In reality, though, the speed at which consumers purchase and dispose of fast fashion significantly undercuts any cost savings. Ultimately, what works is buying what you need and buying items that last, and that means putting in some effort before heading to the shops.

So, how do you prepare to pivot your purchases away from fast fashion? Consider what it takes to buy a bag. You could stop in a fast fashion shop, grab a cute bag, and within a month the strap on the faux leather snaps and you need to buy something new. Or, you could invest in a real leather bag that, with proper care, will serve you for decades. Will it cost more? In the short term, a quality bag may leave a dent in your wallet, but it will save you money over years of use.

Shopping Secondhand

Another way to reduce the impact of your purchases while also acquiring quality goods is by shopping secondhand. For example, if you need a new watch, you could go to your local jeweler and buy a high-quality new piece, but for something that will last, you’ll surely pay a pretty penny. Or, you could do some research and buy a vintage watch. These timepieces have already functioned for decades and are meant to be repaired, unlike many items today, which makes them a great value.

Shopping for quality rather than just for cost can be a hard transition and it requires an increased depth of knowledge about your garments, but it’s a skill worth having. Not only are well-made pieces often more ethically made and sustainable, but they’ll give you a put together look made up of elements that you don’t have to trash in a few weeks. Now that’s a wardrobe you can be proud of.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.