So You Got in a Fender Bender, Here Are Your Next Steps

So You Got in a Fender Bender, Here Are Your Next Steps

Fender Bender: One minute, you’re cruising down the road, singing along to your favorite tunes. The next thing you know, you’re on the side, wheel up on the curb, or in the middle of the highway facing the wrong way. You don’t quite know exactly what has just happened, and your mind is still in shock. 

Even the smallest accident is frazzling. If you were in a fender bender with no damage, maybe you and the other motorist will shake it off and continue on your merry way. In more serious cases, that would be the worst idea.

In this article, we will go over some quick steps for how to approach the moves after a fender bender. This knowledge is useful for any driver, as you won’t be able to read this article in the immediate aftermath of a minor accident

Fender Bender

Check to Make Sure Everyone’s ok

If you have not suffered any injuries, the first thing to do is make sure everyone in your car and the other vehicle is ok. Even rear-ending someone just a little can cause whiplash injuries. In case, if someone is injured, immediately call 911.

If the incident was minor, make sure to take note of the other driver’s license plate. If it was just a bump, they might drive away.

Damaged vehicle insurance

Once you know that everyone is ok, move your car, if you can, drive it away from the middle of the road. Of course, if it is severely damaged, this will not be possible. If the car is operational, other drivers on the highway will thank you for allowing traffic to flow once more.

If you don’t need to call 911 because nobody was injured, you must still call the police to come to the accident to file a police report. It is essential to keep calm, cooperate, and allow the authorities to handle the situation. They will need accurate information to file a police report, and this will come in handy in the future.

Exchange Information & Document the Incident

If the other motorist has been cooperative, exchange insurance information with them, Try not to say anything that may be incriminating, even if you were at fault. Even saying sorry could hurt your case if the authorities or insurance company sees that as an admission of guilt.

Warmly greet the person and ask if they need assistance. You need to get the following information from them: full name, address, phone number, and car insurance policy number,

If you or the other person involved do not have this information on hand, you can call your insurer to obtain it.

It is also helpful to document the scene. In this day and age, we all have a camera in our pocket. Take out your phone and document any damage that may occur. This will help you later or when insurance starts getting involved.

Call Your Lawyer

While your next step could be to call your insurance company, we recommend calling your lawyer if you have one. A personal injury attorney can provide you with more info about how to move forward with insurance and other claims.


If you don’t have a lawyer, you will have to wait for the police report and file with your insurance on your own. Be prepared for some surprises, though; you never know when a seemingly harmless fender bender will turn into a costly and time-consuming civil lawsuit.


About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.