Tailored Stay Adds Good Customer Care to the Vacation Rental Industry

The epidemic has dealt a major blow to the travel industry. But there are still some who want or need to stay in vacation rentals across the country. And those consumers may prefer personal experiences when they arrive.

Fortunately, this is what the tailor offers to halt. More specifically, the concierge service offers grocery deliveries, pre-made dinners and even holiday services. Read more about the idea and the company’s journey in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What does business

Prepares holiday rentals for guests.

Founder and President Kristin FitzGerald told Small Business Trends, “Our objective is to take out the stress of holiday arrivals by visiting guests by placing groceries and festive items in holiday rental homes.”

Business niche

Provide convenient service.

FitzGerald says, “By partnering with top vacation rental property management companies, we are able to gain access to the units, which sets us apart from many other grocery services. We have received great testimonials this year to provide memorable and safe holiday experiences in remote destinations. “

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How did business start

After wishing for similar service.

FitzGerald explains, “The concept of tailor stay came separately for our two founders. Tera Bennett was seen holding birthday balloons, cupcakes and champagne in her AirBnB before arrival. He spent hours on the phone to get it and thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if it were a service?’

While there, FitzGerald and her husband Stephen arrived in Paris late at night. And they struggled to find an open grocery store to get food and breakfast items late at night. Because of this, they wanted a service that they could pay to make it easier on them.

Biggest win

Creating Valuable Partnerships.

FitzGerald states, “Hospitality is ultimately about people. And without working together on the shared goal of exceptional guest experiences, we would not have been able to get the word out easily or instill confidence in northern New Mexico as fasting Huh. “

Greatest risk

Launching in a remote area of ​​New Mexico.

FitzGerald explains, “None of our original founders live in the region. We were able to find amazing personnel who really cared about hospitality to execute on the ground. Without them we could have suffered in product and distribution. At the same time, we offer over 6K items on our website. Without our amazing IT staff, he might have looked like 60. And we will have very limited offerings. “

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biggest challenge


FitzGerald says, “There were some in our team who were ready to fold. But through true patience and hope, we were able to prevail. We provide them locally (not our core business model) and by ensuring potential vacation guests, who will drive from neighboring states, that we can help them vacation more ‘safely’. “

How will they spend an extra $ 100,000

Expand the technology and service sector.

FitzGerald says, “Our technology can do some work in terms of speed and user experience. We will also expand operations to many beach locations so that more vacationers can experience stress-free leisure services.

Team tradition

Virtual meetings.

FitzGerald explains, “We meet every Wednesday and usually open with funny news about the hard work of being a startup and close the meeting with cheers and a glass of wine to celebrate achievements big and small. . “

favourite quote

“Travel — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” The Ibn Battuta

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Image: Staying Tailor; Top image: Kristin FitzGerald, Tera Bennett, Stephen FitzGerald, Nicholas Armstrong, Anna Arrow, Mark Dominic Grosso


About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.