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The best way to hire employees in 2022


Have you been trying to find a good way to hire new employees for your business? We know the feeling. While there’s a big pool of people out there, it’s important to find the right person for your business. After all, they’re a walking advertisement for the quality of your business. One of the best job search sites is ZipRecruiter. It’s the best way to hire the perfect employees for your business, thanks to offering plenty of features that make it easier to find the right fit for you. We’re consistently impressed with how simple it makes the recruitment process, while also being very effective too. It makes life easier for you — the recruiter — as well as your future employees so they’re going to be impressed by how smoothly your company operates right from the moment they first consider applying.

A simple process to follow, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about how easy the ZipRecruiter method is. After all, who wants to rely on marketing speak to figure out why something is a good match? Read on while we break down all the absolute best features of ZipRecruiter. Once you’ve started with ZipRecruiter, you’re going to be super impressed at how much time it saves you and how quickly you find the right new staff member for your business. It’s a completely gimmick-free recruitment site that has some killer features that surprised us.

Try ZipRecruiter

1. Create a job post in ZipRecruiter

The starting point when recruiting is always creating a great job post. It’s your first port of call for selling the role and your company to a great new candidate and it can be incredibly tough to get things just right. Fortunately, ZipRecruiter makes the process pretty straightforward. Sign-up is quick. You just enter your name, company name, and a few contact details, and you are good to go. You’re immediately led to the Create New Job post page and anyone can figure it out. It’s designed to ensure you can get your role posted quickly without being too overwhelmed.

From the start, you enter the job title, along with the location and street address. As you’d expect in these modern times, there’s also a check-box option for if it’s possible to complete the role remotely. That way, both local candidates and anyone looking for a remote working position can find your post when they search geographically. From there, you simply enter the type of position it is such as if it’s full- or part-time, before typing in the job description.

There’s a ton of flexibility with the job description. It’s a section where you can type out whatever you want, choosing to turn any key pieces of information into bold or italics so your future employee spots it more readily. Spend some time figuring out how you want to sell this role. It’s the absolute best way to make sure you get the right candidate for your company. This is your chance to sell the role and your company, reminding a candidate of exactly why they want to hit that apply button.

Underneath that, there’s a place to enter a quick one-line sales pitch on why someone would want to work at your company. It applies to all your job listings and you only have room for 140 characters. Think about what you would tweet to pitch a job to your buddy and stick with that. Think of the best positives like great and unique benefits or a fun in-office culture. Even a day off for their birthday or free cake can be a sweet selling point depending on your company. You like working there, right? Think about what the highlights are for you and go from there.

Once you’ve figured that out, you can tick all the boxes you need to indicate any benefits like health insurance, a 401K, or life insurance. Then it’s time to enter the compensation range along with any commission that may be involved. If this feels like a lot to enter at first, don’t worry. You can always hit the Save Draft button and come back to it later. It’s even possible to edit posts after they’ve gone live but remember that first impressions are important.

The sweet thing about ZipRecruiter is it really helps you with some advice. For instance, if you enter a job title and you haven’t filled in the full title, ZipRecruiter will help you finish it up with an extensive array of choices of common roles. Once you’ve entered the salary range, it also suggests if that comes in as higher or lower than the average in your area. If it comes in lower, this might be the time to increase your salaries so that you attract the best candidates. ZipRecruiter is confident that 80% of employers who post a job on the site get a quality candidate on the first day but you want to make that process work for you by selling your job correctly and with an appropriate salary. Think of it as like a nudge in the right direction as needed.

2. Add screening questions

While you can choose to stick with a basic job advert to seek out great new employees, ZipRecruiter offers up a bit more than that if you feel like going the extra mile and saving everyone sometime in the future. That’s thanks to its extensive array of screening questions. While you can’t stop anyone from applying to your position, you can add screening questions so that you filter out unqualified candidates quickly. It’s a great timesaver for you and for any interested candidates, it gives them a chance to show off just why they’re worth your time. Basically, it’s a win-win scenario.

Screening questions can be added to the job application process so they come across as natural to your future potential employees. Best of all, you have a ton of power over how they are presented. For instance, you can make some questions “deal-breaker” questions. If the candidate answers in a way that doesn’t work for your intentions, they can be automatically hidden from your list of candidates. If you have a role that’s highly sought after, you’ve just saved yourself a bunch of time by setting up some questions to funnel only the best candidates to your desk. ZipRecruiter understands that you may have some specific needs that have to be met before you get any further. While some candidates may be excluded from the list, you can always look them up on your account too so you’re not entirely excluded from checking them out. Maximum flexibility, right?

Adding interview questions is really simple. From your ZipRecruiter dashboard, you can look up your job ad and click Add screening questions. ZipRecruiter gives you some ideas of what you may wish to add. These can be super specific things like checking that someone is authorized to work in the U.S. or that they possess certain certificates that are key to your business. They can also be something like checking that a candidate is able to commute regularly or that they can commit to overtime when needed.

Best of all, you can add your own questions. After all, no two businesses are alike. You probably have some unique requests or interests that mean it would be handy to know if a candidate can match those needs sooner rather than later. You can always check the dealbreaker box if it’s something that has to absolutely be the case too.

At its very simplest, adding screening questions means when it comes to the one-on-one interview stage, you won’t have to worry about basic questions when dealing with the candidate. You can get straight to finding if their personality and work ethic matches up with what you need. We’ve all been to interviews that have felt like a checklist of basics that could have been solved long before heading in and this method means that’s a thing of the past. Time is money and effort, so you want to make it worth everyone’s while.

3. Syndication to top job sites

So, you’ve written up your job description, picked out some key questions that you need all candidates to answer, and maybe even come up with a dealbreaker or two to narrow things down. None of that is much use if no one sees your ad. Luckily, ZipRecruiter is awesome for syndicating your ad to a huge number of the top job sites in the country. With just one click, you can send your job out to over 100 well-known job sites.

While ZipRecruiter is a great first place for many candidates to look, they’re also likely to be looking at numerous other job sites. By being able to post all across the internet, you can reach a much wider audience with no more effort than simply following what we’ve suggested above. With just one click, your job will be posted on an extensive network including Google, US News, Jobrapido, Trivet, Patch, Neuvoo, and over 100 more places. These also include veteran job sites like Veteran’s Job Exchange, Jobpath, and Veterans Enterprise. Alongside all that, you can always choose to share your job posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, so you can use your company’s existing social media presence (or even your own account) to get the word out.

It’s all about saving you time as well as making it easier for your dream candidate to discover you’re hiring. No one wants to have to go back to the dark days of having to manually sign up to multiple job sites to list that their company is hiring so this is the ideal way of saving everyone time.

Being listed on the Google job search index is probably the best thing about this because — really — who doesn’t Google for everything these days? By being so open, you might even attract candidates that weren’t necessarily job hunting but were considering a move in the future. And that candidate might be the dream one to have for your business.

4. Matched to ZipRecruiter’s roster of job-seekers

Once you’ve posted your job ad, ZipRecruiter’s role is done, right? Wrong! That’s when things turn clever. ZipRecruiter has a very cool AI that means its matching technology scans thousands of resumes to help them find you and you find them. It picks out the candidates with the right skills, education level, and experience so that everyone benefits. Helping you and candidates use time wisely, ZipRecruiter actively invites and encourages employees to apply to the jobs that best suit them and their needs. It’s a clever system that helps those potential future colleagues of yours know where their strengths lie too which may even help anyone who’s lacking a little self-confidence but would be an awesome fit.

There are so many jobs already out there that such AI technology is a huge advantage. It analyzes millions of complicated pieces of data to get you the best results and best candidates. Of course, by doing so, it then entices those candidates into applying so you don’t have to wait for them to find you.

As you gain more potential candidates, you can even use the resume database to pinpoint the best options with a smart search facility helping you work your way through the many options coming your way. It has extensive filters as well as allows you to browse according to freshness, aka, how recently the resume popped up as a relevant choice for you.

It’s a really smart way of doing things. If you’re looking to fill a role, it’s likely you want to do so quickly. Having said that, you don’t want to hire just anyone — you want the best. This system means that’s exactly what you’re going to get. It also empowers any future employees as they know when the role best suits them which means they’re going to be a lot more keen and likely to want the role you’re offering. It’s so much better than the old-fashioned methods that meant someone would have to search through potentially hundreds of inferior jobs in a bid to find the right one for them. All you need to do is make sure to guide them appropriately by filling in the job description, screening questions, and other details accurately.

Expect it to take a little time for ZipRecruiter to find the best candidates. Obviously, the more information you provide, the more accurate the results are. It’s always possible to use a TrafficBoost extra to get more noticed and potentially gain up to three times more candidates. If your profession is a high-demand field, this could be a good idea to ensure you get noticed above competitors and more quickly. It’s not essential though so don’t worry if you can’t budget for that added extra.

5. Invite matched candidates to apply; wait for applicants from job boards

Using ZipRecruiter once you have posted a job listing isn’t an entirely passive system. While you might think you have to wait for candidates to apply to you, it is also possible to get more proactive with your approach. That’s thanks to ZipRecruiter’s Invite to Apply feature. If you’ve ever wanted to introduce yourself to someone and essentially say “hi, I think you’re the perfect candidate to come work with us,” you can do exactly that. The feature enables you to automatically send a pre-written personal message to your favorite candidates. ZipRecruiter picks out the best fits so you know exactly who to touch base with. Everyone loves to feel a bit more appreciated and noticed so it’s pretty likely that if you make the first move, the candidate will reply and seriously consider the job role. It’s so much friendlier than relying on looking through search results on a fairly soulless job site elsewhere.

ZipRecruiter has a super easy-to-use dashboard so you can sort, review, and rate all the candidates that the site reckons will be a good choice for you. From there, you can pinpoint things down to exactly what you need most. The site is even smart enough to learn from those ratings, offering up similar applicants to those ones you liked in the future.

It’s a really nice way of doing things. It saves everyone time while also feeling much more personal and familiar than dealing with dull job listings that don’t really give away a true feeling of what to expect. For prospective candidates as well as you, it all feels like having your own personal assistant or a recruitment consultant that genuinely listens to everyone’s needs. Thanks to it working so well, you’re far more likely to get superior candidates than using other services, as it’s much more tailored for everyone’s needs.

ZipRecruiter also offers the ability to create your own dedicated job board so if you would rather have your own job board with dedicated branding and wait for applicants to apply, that’s an option too. It’s a little more old-school than the typical ZipRecruiter way, but ideal if you don’t want to have to maintain job ads too often or get too hands-on at times.

Try ZipRecruiter

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Baker Russell: Russell Baker is a distinguished content writer at, recognized for his exceptional ability to craft engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a deep understanding of various subjects, Russell has earned a reputation as a top content creator in the digital landscape. His writing style combines thorough research with a reader-focused approach, ensuring even the most complex topics are presented in an accessible and engaging manner. Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality content consistently makes him a standout figure in the competitive realm of online writing.