Tips to keep lips soft in winters: Beauty tips

winter lip care tipsTips to keep lips soft in winters: Beauty tips

Rough lips with dry flaky skin peeling off are very common during the winters. Not only woman, men, kids and elderly people too face this very common problem which is chapped, dry lips. At times when the dryness and peeling is too much blood can also be seen. It is very important to take care of the lips to keep them hydrated, softer and supple, so that the dryness, peeling skin should not bother. Dry chapped lips looks bad and it also causes inconvenience while we talk, eat especially something spicy which induces this burning sensation. Here we will share some beauty tips and lip care tips, if you need to know about how to keep the lips softer in winters. Winter is one season which needs extra care for skin as this season makes the skin dry. So, keep on reading to know some amazing tips to keep lips soft and to get rid of the dry chapped lips.

1. Lip Scrubbing for softer lips

A lip scrub makes sure that the dry, flaky skin on the lips gets removed and lips become smoother, softer. In winters, our lips dry out a lot hence, regular scrubbing to slough off the peeling skin is a must. We will share two treatments to scrub the lips. You can try any tips to keep lips softer in winters once in 2-3 days or when needed. Here they are:

A. Vaseline and toothbrush

  • This is very easy and requires two things a toothbrush and some Vaseline.
  • Apply thick layer of Vaseline on the lips and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Vaseline will soften the dried skin therefore, it will be easily removed.
  • Taking the toothbrush, scrub the lips trying to get rid of the peeling skin.

B. Sugar and honey


  • Mix ½ teaspoonful of sugar with ½ teaspoonful of honey.
  • Mix them well and use this lip scrub in gentle massaging motion to take away the dead, flaky skin off the lips.
  • After the treatment you can notice the smoother, softer lips.

2. Moisturization with Lip Balms for soft lips

After the scrubbing it is very important to moisturize the lips. Use colorless lip balms which give better hydration for soft lips in winters. At night, always use lip balms to wake up with softer lips with no dryness. When you don’t want to use lip balm, then homemade effective beauty tips for you will be beneficial. At night apply some milk cream or almond oil to massage the lips to keep them softer. Read: Homemade beauty tips for lip pigmentation

3. Homemade Lip balms to keep lips soft

Natural products are always good and if you think the same then trying a homemade lip balm will be for you to try in winters to keep the lips soft. You will need a couple of things.


  • 1 teaspoonful of Bees wax
  • 10 drops of sweet almond oil
  • 5 Drops of jojoba oil
  • Vanilla essence (Optional)

lip balm

Warm up all the ingredients in a small bowl either on the burner or in the microwave. When the Shea butter melts and all the ingredients seem to be mixed well. Pour it into a small tub or container. Use that natural homemade lip balm to keep lips softer in winters.

4. Water

Water is really important for the body to continue the optimal and proper functioning of the life processes inside the body. Therefore, drink enough water even in winters when you’re most likely to drink less water as compared with the summer season.

You can also read some amazing beauty tips for lips and face.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.