Top 10 animals imported by man and it was bullshit

Generally when humans poke their noses into nature it doesn’t do any good and this is confirmed again with these few species that humans have knowingly imported into certain countries and where it has really messed things up. Next time, abstain and keep your exotic pets where sane people keep them: on their TV.

1. Nutria

Too cute these little beasts. So cute that they were imported into France from 1880 for pelting (nothing to do with the art of rolling shovels, pelting quite simply designates their fur). But the thing is that in the 1930s, people no longer had the money to buy furs. As a result, the breeders released the nutria into the wild, which decided to prosper madly. This is how the species found itself classified as harmful by dint of eating all our plants. Oops dumpling.

2. Asian Ladybugs

Using a natural insecticide instead of disgusting chemicals, on paper we can say that it is rather a good idea. It is for this purpose that Asian ladybugs were imported at the end of the 1980s to fight against aphids (a single specimen could kill more than 200 a day, in other words, it is more effective than Terminator). The problem is that if it eats quickly, it also reproduces very quickly. Fast enough to become an invasive species that destroys other ladybugs in our area.

?? Summer Series | Invasive species, the real big replacement. Introduced in the 20th century in France, an excellent hunter of aphids, the Asian ladybug is also an ecological calamity. Explanations.

Posted by Marianne on Sunday, July 24, 2022

3. Rabbits in Australia

Imagine two seconds. 163 years ago, about twenty rabbits were introduced into Australia from England. It was Christmas Day 1859, and these bunnies were a gift for Thomas Austin, an English settler who simply wanted little bunnies in his settler garden in Australia. In a few years there were thousands and today they swarm throughout the country to the point of being classified as an invasive species. So you will say to me, boaaaaah rabbits it’s cute it’s not a big deal to have a lot of them. Well if because they eat anything and everything and also shoot plants. A real filth under his air of cute animal.

4. The raccoon

At this stage of the top you will have understood that we like to import animals for their fur and once we don’t care they proliferate dangerously. Especially since the predators of the raccoon are themselves becoming increasingly rare, such as the lynx, the puma, the alligator or even the red fox.

5. American mink

As we can see, the name carried some clues at the start. It’s an American mink. So he has nothing to do in Europe. But we didn’t give a damn about the steaks in 1926 when we imported the first specimens to have pretty soft coats to go and show off in my street. The mustelid was therefore imported in abundance. Bad luck, during the pandemic the species that became invasive also became a reservoir for covid. That’s how the mink became a species that we had to exterminate. NICE.

Imported for fur farms in Europe, the mustelid has become an invasive alien species and a coronavirus reservoir.

Posted by The cross on Monday, August 31, 2020

6. Cats in Australia

It must be understood that Australia was a country that worked very well until we decided to send galley slaves there, that we colonized the land, that we massacred the natives, that we burnt the vegetation and that we import critters from our country. The cat is naturally one of the scourges of the country. Introduced in the 18th century, cats are now also an invasive species since they are the predators of several endemic species and are the subject of an upcoming extermination that no one wants to witness.

7. Camels in Australia (yes, yes again…)

Australia of the con of its dead as they say. In addition to rabbits, cats, and English, dromedaries are in turn a non-endemic imported species that has become harmful today because they consume too much fleet in a country suffering dramatically from drought. I still wonder who might want to bring his ass back on vacation there. Look at this one who drinks the whole fleet to put it behind his back.

8. Common iguanas in Martinique

Imported from South America, the common iguana looks quite nice, but under the uninhibited good looks of this James Dean of reptiles, it is above all extremely dangerous for the local iguanas. Must say that those of South America can weigh up to 40 kilos and measure one meter fifty, so they fight with dogs, reproduce quickly, eat in garbage cans and smash other iguanas. All because a natural science professor brought some back in the 60s to decorate his classroom.

A stone’s throw from downtown Fort-de-France, Dina Dieuzede-Cophire complains about her neighbours, in this case…

Posted by L’Express on Friday, April 2, 2021

9. Eurasian collared dove in Guadeloupe

Introduced by the (probably dirty) hand of man, the collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) quickly became common in Guadeloupe. The problem is that in addition to being common, it has decided to nest there and stay there, threatening the square-tailed dove which is endemic to Guadeloupe. In addition to kicking his food, she can transmit diseases to him, like trichomoniasis, and it’s not too bad to bring diseases back to people when we weren’t already invited.

10. Peanut butter

We imported it thinking it would make us happy except that in fact we were wrong it just made us fat. Damn invasive fat shitty species.

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