Top 10 funny tweets about responsibilities, this thing we prefer to flee as soon as possible

Paying the bills, feeding the kids, doing homework, having a fairly stable bank account, no longer answering “in your ass” when people ask you where something is… A lot of responsibilities that we, adults more or less young , face night and day. And as it can be heavy in the long run to always have your brain occupied by these daily weights, here is a good top tweets to procrastinate and put off until tomorrow the things you already had to do for 10 years.

3. Best Film

4. Someone save me from adult responsibilities

5. Even a cleaning schedule does not compensate

7. Why can’t I spend my days getting face masks, drinking coffee, watching movies and escaping my responsibilities?

8. Hop, otter dodge

9. Determination is present

10. Chase the responsibilities, they come back at a gallop

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