In 2006 the film was released Little Miss Sunshine and quite quickly, the work became cult worldwide. The actors have all (or almost) followed up on an incredible career and we love rewatching the film 15 years later to go from laughter to tears in a snap of the fingers. If you haven’t seen this masterpiece yet, go for it!
1. Olive Hoover – Abigail Breslin
Do you remember little Olive who dreamed of winning a beauty contest? The actress grew up well and has since starred in many films including the hit comedy Welcome to Zombieland.

2. Dwayne Hoover – Paul Dano
Paul Dano played the role of the neurotic teenager wonderfully in Little Miss Sunshine and continued thereafter to cast the right roles. We saw him recently as Riddler in The Batman with Robert Pattinson

3. Sheryl Hoover – Toni Collette
Toni Collette has had very significant roles in her career and that of Olive’s mother is one of them. She recently starred in Heredity, At loggerheads et Nightmare Alley.

4. Richard Hoover – Greg Kinnear
Greg Kinnear played the perfection-obsessed, frustrated job father that is Richard Hoover wonderfully well. Since then, we see him less in the cinema and it’s not for lack of acting in films, it’s just that these films are never talked about.

5. Frank Ginsberg – Steve Carell
Steve Carell was already known when he starred in Little Miss Sunshine but it was the same year that he rose to ultimate fame thanks to his role as Michael Scott in The Office.

6. Edwin Hoover, the grandfather – Alan Arkin
We thought he was dead but no, Alan Arkin is still there. We saw it in 2019 in Dumbo of Tim Burton but there is little news of the actor since. At the same time, the guy is almost 90 years old, we can let him rest a bit.

7. Stan Grossman – Bryan Cranston
No need to introduce Bryan Cranston, everyone knows this genius by heart. On the other hand, few people remembered that he played in Little Miss Sunshine and it’s funny to see him there.

8. Contest Host – Matt Winston
Poor Matt Winston is only known through his father and has had only a few roles in his life including the presenter in Little Miss Sunshine and a mini-role for one episode in Friends.
9. L’officier McCleary – Dean Norris
If you know Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad, you also know Dean Norris who plays good old Hank. Surprisingly, he was already playing a cop in Little Miss Sunshine.

10. The Contest Manager – Beth Grant
We know Beth Grant thanks to her character in Malcolm and that of Kitty Farmer in Donnie Darko but she was there to play another role of authoritarian woman in Little Miss Sunshine (no one is surprised).

11. One of the candidates for the mini-miss contest would have become a model
According to the film’s credits, American model Alissa Anderegg starred in the film as a contestant in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. Indeed, the director had cast little girls accustomed to beauty contests to play their “own role” in the film. No wonder one of them continued on this path and became famous.

If you like being shocked in “wow, it’s phew” mode and the world of cinema has no secrets for you, you’ll love discovering the transformations of actors for a film (it’s spectacular).