Top 10 moments when TV presenters laughed at Youtubers (hello boomers)

Since the dawn of time, youtubers have been despised by television professionals. A one-sided war of egos rages to the point that content creators on the internet have permanently stopped TV appearances (which they only accepted to promote events, films or books). If you’ve forgotten all those times when presenters and columnists humiliated creators, we’ve made a selection to remind you how hateful these PAF figures can be.

1. Thierry Ardisson who wants to humiliate Squeezie in Hello Earthlings

In 2017, Squeezie released a playbook called Turn the page and is forced to make a TV appearance to promote it. Bad luck, he falls on this scum of Ardisson who tries to put him down for more than six minutes. Fortunately, the favorite youtuber of the French does not let himself be dismantled and keeps his calm despite a clearly visible annoyance.

If you’re too lazy to watch the video, I’ll transcribe the most important thing for you. Ardisson says, “You’re a genius because your job is to film yourself playing video games and people watch you play, and because there’s advertising, you make money. […] Is eating pizza also a job? […] Have you tried filming yourself doing other things like reading, sleeping, fucking? » and Baffie adds « We’ve seen some wankers on the show, but this one is magnificent ».

2. Natoo belittled by Léa Salamé and Yann Moix in We are not lying

In 2015, Natoo agrees to participate in the show We are not in bed for the promotion of his book-magazine Icon. Unsurprisingly, Léa Salamé and Yann Moix try to humiliate him in front of a hilarious Laurent Ruquier. After qualifying her “kids” content as “pee-caca”, Léa Salamé allows herself to ask Natoo if she finds it normal for 12-year-olds to become YouTubers. As if that was his problem.

Yann Moix ends on a high note by saying that the City Video, it’s a bit like going to Disneyland to see Mickey and Goofy except that they’re the real ones. Natoo simply replies “Yes except that we are actually artists”.

3. Antoine de Caunes violently clashes with streamers on Twitch

In 2014, journalist Mathilde Serrell presented a column on Twitch in the show The Big Newspaper using images from PewdiePie, the world’s most famous streamer. Antoine de Caunes does not hesitate to spit on the profession and on the fans, saying “So there are people who watch people play video games? You really have to have nothing to give a damn about your life, it’s total desolation. Said the guy filming himself talking about people playing video games.

4. Sophie Davant who demands to know the salary of YouTubers

In the show It’s a story, Sophie Davant insists a little too much on knowing the salary of her youtuber guests. As she repeats once again “Can you tell us how much you earn? “, Pierre Croce answers him” And you, can you tell us? “. Strangely, the presenter does not want to answer and no longer insists.

5. Mister V who wants to die of embarrassment against Thierry Ardisson

To present its guests in Hello earthlings, Ardisson plays songs on the set that are supposed to represent them. For Yvick, the king Mister V, the production had the good taste to choose a cover of Nolwenn Leroy and Saga Africa of Yannick Noah before specifying that his father is Breton and his mother Cameroonian. Seeing Yvick’s face, we understand that he already regretted coming.

6. A 6-year-old child asks questions to Cyprien and Squeezie in Le Grand journal

In 2015, Cyprien and Squeezie are invited to the Grand journal to talk about Squeezie Gaming Show and it doesn’t quite turn out the way they would have liked. Maïtena Biraben hosts the show and explains that it’s a six-year-old girl who will ask them questions (which were obviously written by the producer by poorly imitating children’s words). The first question is, “Do you make a lot of money with your weird job?” “. We can see that their work is taken seriously and it’s downright pleasing.

7. Aymeric Caron tries to discredit the legitimacy of youtubers

In 2014, Norman was invited on the set of We are not in bed with Stefi Selma to talk about Maurice Barthélémy’s new film. The film is a crap, no doubt about it, but we didn’t know it at the time. During the presentation, Aymeric Caron asks if the film would not be based solely on the presence of Norman as the main character, which is not very nice, and the youtubeur replies that the film was not written for him at all. .

8. France 2 which only keeps the ridiculous moments of its report at Farod

In 2019, the youtuber Farod agrees to be followed by the cameras of France 2 in his daily life. The shooting lasts more than 5 hours but only a few seconds are kept in the editing for the show and what is frustrating is that they did not keep the most interesting. In particular, we see the youtubeur say, laughing “I bought insulating foam to put on the wall so in a way, I’m a pro” and it’s one of the only sentences kept during the editing.

9. The far too curious columnists at Quotidien

Yann Barthès has always been very respectful towards internet artists and Daily is probably the only French TV show where you can still see interviews with youtubers today. The only misstep, one of the columnists, Salhia Brakhlia, allows herself to ask “And how much do you earn per month? », a question that is obviously never asked of guest artists who do not come from the internet. Carlito then replies “100 million a day, we are shielded, we no longer know what to do with it” to cut short this indiscretion.

10. Frederic Beigbeder attacking Léna Situations in a column in Le Figaro

This time, it’s not a TV presenter but an author and radio columnist who takes on the hardest-working content creator on French YouTube: Léna Situations. Beigbeder read his personal development book, when he was obviously not the target, and took the liberty of knocking him out in an article for Le Figaro. Really not classy and terribly boomer.

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