Top 10 most selfish people in the world, more individualistic it’s not possible

Come closer, don’t be shy. Before your amazed eyes will follow one another the worst individuals on Earth, people who completely abuse, people whose hearts have been more or less replaced by a stone. Yes, you understood it well: you will see big selfish people here. So prepare to face a lack of humanity of 10/10 on the scale that we will soberly call “scale of lack of humanity”. It’s cold in the back.

1. An electrician cuts the power in his village to see his lover in secret

topito’s analysis : Ok love makes you blind but that’s not a reason to plunge everyone in the dark in fact.

2. Taking advantage of soaring prices, he siphoned off school buses and resold the fuel

Topito’s analysis : What is the most important, that kids can go to school or have enough money to buy you a good big TV to watch Joséphine Ange Gardien like in the cinema? It is obviously the second option, but it is not done to siphon off school buses.

3. The mother-in-law steals the show by announcing her pregnancy

Topito’s analysis : Why let people enjoy the best day of their life when you can simply monopolize all the attention? Frankly, we wonder.

4. Landes: a father wants to deprive his children of social networks, he cuts the connection of all his neighbors

Topito’s analysis : There are surely one or two who deserved it. It’s neighbours, neighbours are always pissed off. With their rotten neighbor words there.

The national frequency agency reports a very strange investigation carried out in Messanges, where mobile telephony and the Internet no longer worked between midnight and three o’clock in the morning.

Posted by Le Figaro Economy on Friday, February 11, 2022

5. She invites her mother to the honeymoon after her wedding… she gets married with her husband and becomes pregnant with him

Topito’s analysis : Well, that’s for sure, we’re not on the mother of the year. Nor of the century. But it’s okay, who hasn’t nicked their daughter’s husband? It happens…. No come on, she deserves to burn in hell alongside the guy who invented “easy openings”.

6. The canteen ladies stole the food: the children were only entitled to demi-cordons-bleus

Topito’s analysis : It’s really disgusting to do that knowing that the blue ribbons were one of the only edible things in the canteen. Really uncool ladies.

7. Clamart: the funeral director wrote a false exhumation authorization to recover the jewelry of a deceased

Topito’s analysis : At the same time, will she still need her jewelry, the deceased? No way. But hey, from an ethical point of view, digging up a corpse to get rich is average. It’s like that.

8. Unable to resell them, he asks the supermarket to reimburse him for 4800 rolls of toilet paper

Topito’s analysis : Remember those good old days when a mini PQ shortage showed the world how selfish people could be? Among them, there was a champion: a guy who had bought a huge stock of PQ to make wheat by reselling it, but who found himself like an idiot with his stock on his hands when we realized there really wasn’t a shortage. It was the first confinement anyway.

9. After paying half the rent with her boyfriend for 8 years, she finds out he owns the house.

Topito’s analysis : At first sight, he didn’t use this money earned to pay for restaurants for his girlfriend or give her little romantic surprises. It smells more like the guy who used money to add neon lights under his tuned car.

10. Coronavirus: a storekeeper at the CHU de Reims steals a huge stock of medical equipment

Topito’s analysis : Oh it’s good, healing people is super has-been anyway. Making money is still much cooler. When you’re a dark shit, of course.

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