Top 10 reasons to stop worshiping Pixar, it’s not so crazy

You know, I really like Pixar films, a bit like everyone else. But to be completely honest, it’s been a while since they stopped surprising me or making me dream (except with Luca, I admit). So when I hear people raving about the latest movie not phew released (like Red alert, damn it sucks) well I rather want to tell them: stop making crates with Pixar studios. It’s not what it used to be. Look, here are real arguments of more or less good faith.

1. They made Toy Story 4 when 3 was perfect

People who have a soul all say it: Toy Story 3 was a real success. A masterpiece, even. The scenario was spot on, the emotion present, and the moving farewells. It could have ended there. It should have ended there, actually. But no, greed and the desire to ride the wave pushed Pixar to put a coin back in the machine to release a fourth film which, if not completely rubbish, does not bring anything. And what about this unbearable character of Fork? Simply a casting error.

2. Soul was a pale copy of Inside Out (and Pixar wants to keep sanding it down)

In Vice versa, emotions were personified. It was honestly very cool. In Soulthe souls were personified (yes, it is possible), in exactly the same style as Vice versa. It already felt the big lack of renewal. But what am I learning? Well yes, Pixar is about to do it again by personifying the elements in its next film Elementary. The guys have found a recipe so they’re going to give it to us in all the sauces.

3. The characters are always the same

Look, it’s final. There’s always an intelligent and somewhat grumpy character (Bob Razowski, Woody, Carl Fredricksen…) often associated with a crazier character (Sully, Buzz, Russell…) and a cute and funny companion (Bouh, Rex, Doug… ) We sometimes find ourselves with variants, but it remains essentially the same topo each time. Attention huh, I’m not saying that Pixar is the only studio to use the same cast every time, but they could innovate a little. That way we could enrich our test Which Pixar character are you?

4. Their lamp logo, they stole it

As a co-worker whose plants I secretly water when he’s away from home explains in Top Movies That Got Lawsuits, Pixar’s logo is inspired by a Luxo lamp. The brand had let it go, but it still rebelled when Pixar wanted to sell a derivative product in the form of the Luxo lamp. You already have enough talent as this Pixar, don’t start stealing other people’s stuff.

5. Lots of fish died because of them

As revealed by a colleague whom I dream of driving to the hotel one day so that she marries someone other than me in the top of the animal victims of fashion, the two opuses of the adventures of Nemo (and Dory, suddenly) have increased demand for clownfish and surgeonfish, putting both species at risk. Ah well well done Mr Pixar.

6. Because of them everyone confuses ratatouille and vegetable tian

The guys are releasing a movie called RATATOUILLE, they say the character is going to do a RATATOUILLE, and what does he do? A vegetable tian. Mess. They could have at least consulted a real cook to write their film.

7. The little easter eggs after a while we understood

Hidden references in Pixar films have become a trademark. Ok it’s funny, but after 12 films, haven’t we done the trick?

8. The Ghibli is still so much better

Yes, we can like both, and yes, it has nothing to do, but even if it means making the comparison between the two giants, it must be recognized that the scenarios of the Ghibli films, and moreover of the Miyazaki, are much more singular and inventive.

9. Pixar probably stole the idea for Inside Out from a poor lady

A child development expert had proposed to Disney a show whose characters would be personified emotions, and she had claimed to have had several telephone conversations with a certain Pete Docter, who had refused her concept. However, it was this same Pete Docter who explained that he had the idea of Vice versa watching her daughter become a teenager. Who is telling the truth? We don’t know, but it’s suspicious.

Another shady thing, an author named Carla J. Masterson also accused Pixar of stealing her idea. She found that the scenario of Vice versa strangely resembled the books What’s on the Other Side of the Rainbow?? et The Secret of the Golden Mirror which she had written and presented to Disney for them to adapt. Very strange, all the same.

10. Pixar fans are pissed off

They don’t have to do anything but work out theories to say that the films are connected, they step up to the plate as soon as we criticize the slightest film, and they are capable of agonizing over each other for hours to know what is the best feature film from their favorite studio. The guys are almost as hardcore as Marvel fans.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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