Top 11 funny tweets on Doctolib, the most wonderful site in the world

If, like me, you fall ill approximately every half hour (well, that’s what you think, you often have a runny nose), Doctolib is normally your first favorite browser page. I personally started thinking about buying shares in the box as I participated in the development of this platform. And as Doctolib was very useful to us during the Covid, we pay tribute to him today in tweets for service rendered to the nation.

1. Frankly abused

2. Go squat for an ingrown toenail

3. There are some who really have no embarrassment

4. Seats are expensive

5. Grandma shouldn’t be pushed into the concert pit anyway

6. Running, running, running

7. Very disappointing

8. Make my appointment for my winter cold

9. Tell me you’re French, without telling me you’re French

10. Take care of yourself

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