Top 11 things traders are allowed to do and we didn’t know

After this little point on what traders are not allowed to do, let’s move on to what they are totally authorized to do! Yes, the customer is not king all the time… And even so, it’s been a while since in France, kings no longer have any power in fact! Put yourself on the page, a little.

1. Establish a minimum payment by credit card

As long as the requirements are displayed in-store and in their terms and conditions, a merchant has every right to impose a minimum purchase amount to accept credit card payment. Refusal of a card below a certain threshold is often justified by the bank commission fees to be paid by merchants for each transaction. All tobacconists in France are sharing the article, while all smokers are in PLS on their mats. Courage.


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2. Do not accept credit cards or checks

As for the previous point, as long as it’s displayed, it’s OK! The only payment method a merchant cannot decline is cash. On the other hand, the maximum amount accepted in cash is €1,000 (€15,000, if the client is a tourist residing abroad for tax purposes)! Beyond that, it will be necessary to do otherwise (a transfer, for example).


3. Do not accept more than 50 coins

Your tobacconist imposes a minimum purchase amount in credit card. You are not happy. In revenge, you decide to go and buy your next pack of cigarettes in 10 cent coins. Already, it’s not super cool, but in addition, you could be kindly sent home again! Beyond 50 coins, the merchant is within his rights if he refuses the sale.

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4. Not giving change

Eh yes ! According article L. 112-5 of the monetary and financial code, it is up to the customer to top up. If you do not submit to this obligation, the merchant is not obliged to give change. I know, it sucks, but it’s the law!

Another little reminder: the merchant is also not required to give change on gift vouchers, restaurant vouchers or holiday vouchers.

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5. He can refuse cash in poor condition

Damaged banknote, even torn, all damaged and filthy coins: a trader is absolutely not obliged to accept them, because of their uncertain value. If you have cash in poor condition, you can return it to a Banque de France counter for reimbursement. Be careful, remember to check that you are not in possession of a collector’s item… Typing errors sometimes pay off big. Very big. (Source)

6. In some cases, he may refuse a refund

We’ve gotten so used to brands giving refunds that we allow ourselves to have scandals all the time when we’re told “no” (yes, like 2 and a half year olds). In reality, nothing obliges a merchant to refund or exchange a purchase made in store!

Small exceptions to the rule: the store’s commercial policy may provide for exceptions, giving the customer a period (often 15 to 30 days) to change their mind. That’s what we’re used to, basically. Then there are the legal warranties. Indeed, if your purchase does not conform or has a hidden defect, the seller is required to repair or replace it. In the event that these two solutions are not applicable, he is obliged to proceed with the refund. Note that even if the trade indicates “neither taken back, nor exchanged, nor refunded”, the legal guarantee of conformity applies! (Source)

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7. Report us if we eat a grape

The most up-to-date in law and combinations have already gone to their library to retrieve their Civil Code (yes, these people don’t use the internet) to remind me that “according to l’article 1587, with regard to wine, oil, and other things which it is customary to taste before making the purchase, there is no sale until the purchaser did not taste and approve them, gnagnana”. True, BUT this provision only concerns fairs and shows, not supermarkets. Tasting a product in bulk without authorization is tantamount to committing theft. More precisely, a “fraudulent embezzlement of someone else’s thing”, since the product does not belong to you before the checkout. An offense punishable by… 3 years in prison and a fine of €45,000 (yes yes, it is written ici)! Grapes are expensive, right?

(Don’t worry, that literally NEVER-EVER happens.)

8. Refuse a dog to enter their store

First, sellers are free to accept or not animals in their business. But in addition, it is fundamentally forbidden to bring an animal into a food store, for hygiene reasons (European regulation n°852-2004 of April 29, 2004).

Fortunately, there is an exception for guide dogs for the blind or assistance, alongside people with disabilities (article 88 of law n°87-588 of July 30, 1987 as amended). Refusing their entry is punishable by the fine provided for 3rd class fines, namely: 450€.

(Source )

9. In certain specific cases, he can refuse the sale of a product

We say “in certain specific cases!” “. Indeed, and in accordance witharticle L121-11 of the Consumer Code, a refusal to sell normally constitutes an offence, punishable by law. On the other hand, a professional can derogate from the rule, if he can justify a “legitimate reason”. Insulting behavior, an abnormal request (excessive quantity), the refusal of certain methods of payment or even legal prohibitions (prohibition of selling alcohol or tobacco to minors) are among them.

10. In case of payment by check, he can ask for an identity card and note your date of birth

As expected by the Monetary and Financial Code, anyone handing over a check must prove their identity. In this way, the merchant can prove that he has taken all the necessary measures to ensure the conformity of the check. The birth dateit allows to circumvent the risks of homonymy in case of non-payment.

11. Not making a sale

It’s totally legal! Even during the sales period, nothing obliges a merchant to apply any discount.

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