Top 12 times when you’re too polite when you shouldn’t, damn good manners

The problem with being too nice is that you get walked on all the time. We dare not say no, we constantly apologize and people take advantage of it because they have no race. And then, even when you’re not nicer than that, there are situations where you’re always polite when in real life, you shouldn’t.

1. When someone took your seat on the train

What you say : “Ah, sorry to disturb you, really sorry, but I think that’s my place. Yes, that’s place 55, yours is behind I think. »

What you think : “Get out of my place and go die in your rotten square in the family area, if I took steps in advance to have an isolated place in the direction of travel, it’s not for nothing. »

2. When someone asks you for a lighter when you don’t smoke

What you say : “Oh no sorry I don’t smoke! »

What you think : “How’s that sorry? Why am I apologizing for not smoking? I owe him nothing to this guy, there’s a tobacconist at the end of the street, all you have to do is go buy yourself a lighter. »

3. When you say sorry to a post because you weren’t looking ahead

What you say : « Oh pardon ! »

What you think : “I hope no one saw me say sorry to a post…”

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4. When you get harassed by phone scams

What you say : “Nah… no really… Sorry but I don’t have time for that, I’m at work. I told you I was not interested, thank you have a nice day. »

What you think : “But leave me alone, for fuck’s sake, go and rip off old people so they don’t have enough money to do their shopping at rush hour”

5. When the guy selling tapenade at the market tells you he’s giving you a discount

What you say : “Ah, but that’s too nice, well, I’m going to take just a little from you… Ah, you have more than one kilo jars? Alright fine, I’ll go get some cash. »

What you think : “Oh no, but I was just coming to buy apples originally, I just wanted to be nice by chatting for 30 seconds. I don’t like tapenade either. »

6. When the waiter asks if “everything is going well” while you were criticizing your dish just now

What you say : “Yes, that’s perfect, thank you!” »

What you think : “It’s not good but I have to leave in 20 minutes and it’s going to take way too long if they have to redo my dish so I’m not going to say anything. »

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7. When the saleswoman cuts you off saying “hello first”

What you say : “Ah sorry, yes hello”

What you think : ” Eh ? I started my sentence with ” excuse me for disturbing you “, don’t you want me to kneel too? Nah but I’m hallucinating, she pretends to be polite but her tone clearly tells me to go fuck myself. »

8. When someone holds the door for you when you’re 100 meters away

What you say : “Ah thank you I’m coming! Sorry… thank you! »

What you think : “Nah, but let me walk in peace, I know how to open a door, poor idiot. »

9. When the car lets you pass the pedestrian crossing

What you say : ” Thanks ! » with a nod or hand

What you think : “Why am I saying thank you like a big vicos me? Like the guy is an angel to let me pass when he just has no choice”

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10. When your ball hits the net and lands just the other side during a tennis match

What you say : Nothing, but you make a little wave of your hand that means you’re sorry.


11. When you win at a board game and want to stay humble

What you say : “Nah, but I was lucky! Yeah, sorry, but you were off to a good start too. »


12. When you’re a piece of glass on a beach

What you say : “How seriously I was polished by the sea today is phew”

What you think : “Not sure that this joke was really funny after all”

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