Hello Totemixes! How do you feel since Nico’s elimination last week? Of course we feel very good. So we’re going to start by thanking the production of Koh-Lanta who gave 50 bonuses to Olga and JC, and now we’re going to look at what’s next. Because this is serious: there are only 6 candidates left, and there are only 5 places for the orientation test. What does it mean ? It means that now it’s war, it means that the next immunity test will be worth gold, and it means that BORDEL BASTIEN WHY DID YOU ALLY WITH AMBRE AND FRANÇOIS? Sorry, I got carried away. In short, that means that today’s episode is mega important, so let’s go for the recap.
1. Nico’s bad faith is extraordinary
We were expecting it, the arrival of Nico in the residence of the final jury, and we were not disappointed since the eliminated candidates returned to him in the bacon after about 1 second. But where Nico could have assumed his strategy (after all, it’s the game), the guy preferred to continue to lie. Dude, absolutely everyone knows you betrayed the scabs, it was filmed and seen by millions of people, where do you think your big lie is going to come from?
And then Nico’s bad faith is so huge that the guy managed to get us out that the others were just pissed off because he finished seventh and they didn’t. Nico… not ours… make an effort on the arguments anyway…
Well, at least he had luck because the yellows remained good players and forgave him after approximately 2 minutes of discussion. Good guys. Too good maybe. It lacks clash.
Yellows 1 – 0 Nico.

“I was convinced in the game not to lie”, REALLY NICO?
2. JC is relieved
Phew, no cursed totem on the comfort test. JC is happy, he will be able to finish last without consequence. We have never seen a candidate so happy to be able to lose in peace. This guy got the wrong show but we love him.

“This summer camp is really cool, but I don’t understand why people leave one by one”
3. Dennis takes longer to describe the reward than the rules of the event
Denis : “You will be entitled to a swimming pool, a bathroom, a bed, a burger, fries, prawns, a brownie, an ice cream, a breakfast, eggs, bacon, tea, coffee, a good purchase of 1000 euros valid at Ikea, a life-size poster of Harry Roselmack, a car with driver for 5 years, a pin bearing the image of Jean-Luc Reichmann as well as 12 tickets for the next concert of Vitaa and Slimane »
No but they are starting to abuse with the comforts of phew there.

“I almost forgot: whoever wins this event directly wins a place in the final of the 2022 World Cup and will play alongside Kylian Mbappé”
4. The bag test, always fun
Pleasant, but still very weird when you see the choices of certain candidates: everyone except Olga was afraid to give bags to François, yet a firefighter and much more muscular than all the others. Attention huh, the goal is not to totally blow his test, but still, the guy had the margin. It was he who won the event with 18 kg on his back against Ambre who carried 9 kg. Like what the guy is solid.
Suddenly, François was able to share his comfort with someone, and he chose to take Gégé. A good way to get closer to her before the most important advice of the adventure. Smart. Not super subtle, but clever.

They have sand all the way to the SIF, but they are happy.
5. Hey oh François please respect us
François in front of the mirror: “I haven’t had this body since I was 16”
WHAT ? But we never had this body in fact.
6. Not con le François
During comfort, Gégé announced his intention to vote Bastien to the next council, but François preferred not to decide right away because he knew that Bastien could win immunity on the next test. Not stupid, the Frenchman, not stupid at all. He may have a big melon, but you have to admit that this big melon is quite full.

7. After Jean-Phi’s swollen feet, Amber’s swollen lip
Admit it, you liked this karma blow. Me too.

Like a desire to print this image and make t-shirts
8. The Scary Cursed Totem
Big announcement from Denis before the immunity test: whoever finishes last will have a vote against him. Two steps from the final, it’s really freaking out. Especially when your name is JC.
Fortunately, we are on a test of skill, so everyone has a chance. Even JC… (spoiler: no).

“The first to catch my two fingers wins a place in the final”
Duration of the screen test: 15 minutes.
Felt: 2 good hours. And again, Denis ended up cracking and offering the easy version to Olga, JC and Ambre who were too bad.
Well, in the end, it was Bastien who won, because Bastien is strong, and he offered himself a direct place for orientation. Well done Bastien. We have nothing to add.

“Hello, my name is Bastien and I am strong”
OLGA!!! Celebrating her antepenultimate place, she jumped for joy and broke her face before leaving on a stretcher. A champion.
The history of Koh-Lanta will remember it.

11. JC, last, without surprise
This man is remarkably consistent. Come on JC, take your reward: a vote against you for the next council.

JC deserves a special prize for his work in Koh-Lanta
12. No injury outing for Olga
Which means above all that we avoid the return of Nico to replace her. We must celebrate every victory in life, even the smallest ones.

13. And the worst place goes to Olga
Barely returned to the camp, she finds herself eliminated at the gates of the final. It’s sad, but quite logical given the remaining candidates. At least JC and Gégé didn’t betray her, and that’s still very chic on their part. Come on, hello artist.

14. KEEEWA ???
There will be 4 poles this year??? As a result, we don’t really understand the principle of the next “cursed totem” which rather seems to be a second chance to arrive on the posts. If you haven’t caught the logic of this announcement either, we’ll meet next week to calmly clarify all this. Come on, be well until then.