Top 14 tips for playing 49.3, the government’s favorite game

You dreamed of it, they haven’t done it yet, but maybe one day: 49.3, the government board game, one day, maybe, at your favorite retailers! In order to make you the master of the game even before its release, here are our tips to ensure you a victory! Early Christmas present.

1. Play in a room heated to 19°C

Especially not less, even less more (technical)! If the correct temperature is not reached, do not hesitate to cover yourself more. Turtlenecks and thin down jackets increase your score by one point, from the start of the game.

2. 49.3 cards are 12,000 times stronger than others

Yes, because all the cards in the game can earn you 10 points, but the 49.3 cards give you 120,000! If I can allow myself an analogy with reality TV fans: it’s a bit like in the Cross Les Marseillais VS Le Rest du Monde: you can accumulate as many points as you want throughout the game, the 49.3 cards cancel all your efforts.

3. A 49.3 card allows you to impose your rules on the rest of the players

Each time you play a “49.3” card, you choose which farting rule you want to impose on the rest of the players, as well as their family, friends, and friends of their friends. The more null and restrictive the imposed rule, the more bonus points you score.

4. Remove the jokers carefully!

To play by respecting the rules, you must start by removing all the “motions of censure” cards from the game, they are useless.

5. You cannot play more than 3 49.3 cards per game.

However, you can totally counter this rule by putting a 49.3 card on it! This technique could also make you the master of the game.

6. Be careful, too much equality is not good for the health of the game!

Of course, always keep in mind that the game can only start if the majority of the players present are male! If a man leaves the game, one of the players is obliged to do the same, in order to limit any risk of equality. Don’t forget that it’s above all a game, and that you can’t run such dangerous risks, for everyone’s health!

7. Distrust, the “journalist” card is a trap

When a player plays this card against you, then you have to expose yourself to 15 minutes of awkward but relevant questions. PLEASE NOTE: if you do not answer completely off the mark, you lose points: for each sensible answer: – 130 points.

8. You can skip a player’s turn if your knowledge of the constitution is beyond reproach

It suffices to recite an article of the constitution, to the nearest paragraph, while adopting a haughty air. Easy !

9. Do not restrict yourself to the topics covered

Think big! The 49.3 can be restrictive in all areas of daily life. Widen your field of vision! Null rules for the economy, for social issues, for pensions, etc. So diversify your rules to impose your ideas in all spheres of life.

10. Always be careful to protect the wealthy well

If your 49.3 serves the opinion of the people and the popular to middle classes, you are automatically eliminated from the game.

11. If you hold the “deputy” card, consider applauding all 49.3 proclaimed during the game

Do not hesitate to stand up to show your support for the new rule a little more, even if it has not been presented to you for a vote before.

12. If players ask you for something, do the opposite

Always swim against the current. It’s a golden rule. The more you trigger anger and weariness, the more you increase your chances of winning.

13. Try to trigger as many manifestations as possible

This kind of event during a game gives you 200 bonus points. Continue on this momentum!

14. Also try to start a feud among the players

If they argue while quoting phrases from deceased political figures, you multiply your points by 2.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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