Top 15 most used passwords in France in 2022

Ladies and gentlemen, open your pupils! You were expecting it (not at all), you were stamping your feet with impatience (still not), you were counting the days until it arrived (really?), and FINALLY, it just came down: the 2022 ranking of the words of passes the most used in France! YOUHOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU what suspense! Come on, enough of hanging around, here we go, we tell you everything… Drum roll… LET’S GO!

1. 123456

A Cartesian, down-to-earth spirit, and certainly a bit lazy.

The password we recommend instead: 654321, it always sucks to know how to count backwards.

2. 123456789

An even more Cartesian, even more down-to-earth spirit, which fights to treat every number with equality.

The password we recommend instead: 987654321. We told you, it’s a bg thing.

3. azerty

History to remember the nature of his keyboard. It’s not totally stupid.

The password we recommend instead: qwerty, ideal for frequent travelers and bilinguals.

4. 1234561

This person juggles numbers like I juggle life’s little pleasures.

The password we recommend instead: 12131415161, to give more value to your lucky number.

5. azertyuiop

Impressed by such mastery of the keyboard. It can only be the work of a computer scientist or a genius.

The password we recommend instead: qwertyuiop, to bring your American dream to life a little more.

6. avf2013

Avf? What is that ? Cluster headache? Andouillette really fresh? Really strong athlete? No idea.

The password we recommend instead: andouillette really fresh. It was by far the nicest meaning.

7. link

Typical profile of the person who uses this: quarantine, civil servant, who only has eyes for his other half and his new Citroën.

The password we recommend instead: my_sugar_duck

8. 000000

One thing is certain, this is not the password of a trypophobe (phobic of close geometric shapes). I can assure you of that.

The password we recommend instead: 0+0=lateteatoto. Bars of laughter, I tell you.

9. password

Oh wow, encore one person very so british.

The password we recommend instead: password-is-password-but-in-english-for-bilinguals.

10. comforter

Ah, there you go, our happy little couple is complete!

The password we recommend instead: my-soft-caramel-with-salted-butter-from-morbihan. Enough to mix patriotic feeling and fiery love.

11. marseille


The password we recommend instead: laciteephocaean.

12. amiret2015

So there… What is that? According to Google, it may be the small diminutive of “Amicale des Retraites”. It’s almost cute.

The password we recommend instead: long live_la_belotte_avec_Yvette. Holy bunch of friends, that!

13. motdepasse


The password we recommend instead: motdepasse-that-means-password-in-french. Combine the useful with the instructive. Good game !

14. soleil

A password that is good for morale, that’s for sure!

The password we recommend instead: solar star. Very distinguished.

15. 12345

Good… I’m starting to get fed up with fans of “Numbers and Letters“, there! Would you like to innovate a little?

The password we recommend instead: buy-yourself-a-personality-please. Violent, but fair.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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