Top 15 Signs You Have Bad Taste (But We Still Love You)

“Ah, you know, tastes and colors…” is already a horrible expression, used by people devoid of taste and love for the French language, who have the habit of never finishing their sentences. We are already on a very high level of bad taste, but let’s move on. (Yes, I’m in a grumpy mood today). In fact, the true expression is “Tastes and colors, we do not discuss”. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Believe me that yes, we will discuss it precisely!!! We have to open your eyes a little.

1. You have decorative letters at the entrance to your rooms

“Kitchen”, “Home”, “Living room”, “Bathroom” (yes, because your bad taste pushes you to alternate between French and English words, for a “more relaxed and relaxed” style, like we say in MalaiseLand) . If you really push the bad taste to its climax, you also have a small sign “The house of happiness” in your entrance.

2. You buy lacquered furniture

Your lacquered red Ikea kitchen is also a life achievement. You had fun and you totally added neon lights that change color in the drawers, you lucky guy!

3. You think ballerinas “are not so bad”

“Wow it’s a good alternative to heels haaan”. NOPE. It’s ugly. I have known a thousand pairs of slippers much more chic than these horrors. It stinks of feet. It hurts the back. It’s ugly. It’s no. Just NO. We’re definitely burning this thing! What’s your delirium to let the worst fads in history come back?? Between that and the ultra-low-rise jeans, we haven’t left the hostel!

4. You’re not against a small calf’s liver at noon

Mhhh especially if it is accompanied by a good little smoked herring sauce. BLURP.

5. You still use Facebook

Frankly, on all the social networks we have available today, you knowingly chose the most rotten of all??? You will have to explain to me why. Ah yes, okay… So you always say “goat face”? Let… Everything becomes so much clearer all of a sudden.

6. You drive a 206 CC convertible

And not because you are forced to! You yourself decided to buy this car, because you find it “too beautiful”, and you have already made an appointment to add a spoiler and chrome rims. Wouldn’t we take advantage of this nice little fund to take a ride downtown, windows rolled down and Keen’V’s latest album blasting on the bass? (Yes, he still makes albums.) Zé parti!

7. You have silly or “humorous” message t-shirts

“My mother is lucky, she has the most beautiful son in the world”, “Attractive (e)”, “I can’t, I have a drink with my friends”, “My father is the strongest”, … Ouch. It hurts my eyes as much as it pisses me off.

8. You have a painting of New York in your room

Worse: a full New York decor room. Worse still: a fully deco London vibes room. Worse still: a collection of shameful posters straight from your childhood.

9. You find the margarita pizza too basic, too bland

On the other hand, you are not against a small “Hawaiian”a small « Pizza-kebab », « Pizza-burger »or “Pizza tartiflette”.

10. You LOVE faux leather

You also talk about “Skay”, like anyone who deeply respects this material straight from hell.

11. You think Hanouna is very nice

According to you, he is a funny, humane, kind, dynamic and good-looking host. I wish (with all my heart) that your TV receives a bad spell, and that it will never again be able to distribute the channel “D8” to you. Never again in my entire life. That you forget this character forever, and that you replace her with Faustine Bollaert in your little heart.

12. You dream of wearing Balenciaga

And you’ve already slammed 600 bullets into their sock shoes, which are uglier than climbing shoes.

13. Your favorite expression is “askip”

For “A ce il seems”, which is already a particularly ugly and unpleasant expression to the ear.

14. Do you like BBQ Chips?

WORST, “braised chicken taste”, or any of the weird chip flavors! Repeat after me : “I will only eat Crisps with vinegar or paprika”. . Come on again: “I will only eat Crisps with vinegar or paprika”. .

15. You miss the time of the Knights of Fiel, Bigard and Canteloup

“The time when we knew how to laugh”, according to you. Yes yes…


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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