Top 20 people who forget stuff and it’s funny

IT SEEMS that we have different types of memories, so as many chances of never forgetting anything, and yet… Yet, we all forget things all the time, such as car keys, glasses, or even the simple fact of putting a slip in the morning. And sometimes it causes funny situations to urinate on laughing. Here are some of the most bizarre.

1. He forgot his wife was away, he turned over in bed and saw this

2. He forgot he had an appointment with the dentist and didn’t have time to change

3. He forgot to say “you can eat” so the obedient dog has been waiting in front of his bowl for 10 minutes

4. He forgot to turn on the heating in the morning, and when he got home…

5. He was there before his eyes and yet he forgot

“I am making my will. I needed information about my brother. I sent him a message asking for his address and the name of his position. I forgot to remember it was his birthday.”

La conversation :

_ Do you need my date of birth too?

_ Yes, but it’s good I know her.

_ Really ?

_ Hahaha yes

_ Are you 100% sure?


_ Voilà »

6. She forgot to put on her seatbelt

7. She drew this to scare her boyfriend in the morning, then forgot she drew it and scared herself

8. She asked her son what he wanted from Taco Bell. He said he didn’t want anything. Now he’s crying because he ‘forgot Taco Bell made tacos’

9. They forgot to give Alzheimer’s bracelets to Alzheimer’s patients.

10. He put on both shoes in the morning to ask his wife’s opinion and then forgot to choose just one.

11. The dentist forgot to have him remove his glasses for the x-ray.

12. He lives in Norway and forgot to close the window

13. She closed the door with her dog inside and doesn’t have the badge to open it.

14. He forgot his broom leaning against his car. When he left, the broom remained.

15. Someone forgot to put their handbrake on the ferry

16. He put the controls in the oven to hide them from his kids and then forgot about them.

17. He forgot to put the ice cube tray in, so the machine went crazy.

18. Someone will probably miss their flight

19. “Excuse me policeman, I think you forgot something”


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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