Top 20 People Who Have Worse ID Photos Than Yours

You can be a very photogenic person, there will always be one type of photo that you will always look ugly on: passport photos. In addition, it’s bad luck, because these photos, you will stuff them for a good ten years. But that’s how it is, it’s part of the game, and then it makes your friends laugh when you show them your passport. It consoles. Another comforting thing is to know that people have ID photos that are even worse than ours. It comforts very well.

1. Chances are not always happy

2. His grandpa got the wrong button when he wanted to take his passport photo

3. Driving license and license to be stylish

4. She must be super smart

5. They look like 4 totally different people.

6. He asked to wear a colander on his head for religious reasons, and now he has the best photo permit in the world.

7. She drew on her own passport. Not sure that the authorities appreciate his talents.

8. It’ll relax the cops during ID checks

9. He smoked before taking his photo ID so he can pretend it’s his normal state. Genius.

10. We recognized her, she’s the girl who makes the hidden face testimonies in the reports

11. He himself looks amazed at being so unphotogenic.

12. One for the good days, one for the bad

13. Let’s go for a year with a shitty student card

14. You can scroll to find that taking a kid’s passport photos is hot.

15. A nice big baby for a cute passport photo

16. They REALLY accepted this photo for a passport?

17. Hey, this reminds us of someone

18. You get checked with this permit, you must end up in jail

19. Young chess genius or James Bond villain?

20. This man always swerves to run over dogs walking on the side of the road.

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