Top 20 Rare Words Everyone Should Know
Everyone likes to learn new words to look smarter and say contemptuously to their friends “ah but you don’t know that word? Wait, let me explain to you”. As reading the dictionary is not a very fun activity, we have listed the most useful rare words listed by @LesMotsRares on Twitter. It’s still easier than going back to college.
1. Abstem
2. Ataraxie
3. Oblativity
4. Kakistocratie
5. funnel shaped
6. Petrichor
7. It is done
8. Compensatory
9. Lantiponner
10. Ultracrepidarianism
11. Cautious
12. Atavism
13. Uncertainty
14. Primesautier
15. Ruderal
16. Labile
17. Dilection
18. Hiémal
19. Fesse Mathieu
20. Tavele
Now that you know lots of new words, you will also be able to learn the words that don’t exist and that you use every day (just to delete them from your vocabulary).