Top 20 signs that you are a stylish person

In life, there are two categories of people: bland people and stylish people. Where do you situate yourself (it’s funny to say “situate you”)? You will find out by reading this top. If you recognize yourself in the lines below, it means that you are a super stylish person. And if so, you can be proud of yourself. If not, you just have to cry.

1. You flick your cigarette into the gutter

Thanks to this very stylish gesture you send your butt where you want while continuing to walk nonchalantly.

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2. You watch Daily every day

Sometimes you even see the show on replay to be stylish and you love it when Yann Barthès makes fun of politicians.

3. You don’t watch shitty series like Kaamelott or Friends

You prefer better constructed series like Breaking Bad or The Money Heist.

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4. You carry des Veja

But before you wore Stan Smiths.

5. You sleep with lots of chicks

Even if you’re a chick. As long as you sleep with lots of girls, that’s the main thing.

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6. You only watch documentaries on Arte

The other channels are for non-stylish people.

7. Have you ever been in jail?

For a minor offense eh beware.

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8. Tu lis Society

Finally you just read the cover but you let it stick out of your waterproof backpack from a French designer.

9. You know how to open beers with a lighter

And without accidentally slitting your veins.


10. You say “de ouf” at the end of each sentence

Wow but with you life is really breathtaking.

11. You love astrology

And you like all the signs except Scorpio and Aquarius.

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12. You have already put a black square in your profile picture

And a blue square. And you never miss a Raphaël Glucksmann post on Instagram.

13. You say things like “it’s weird I eat like 4 and I stay extremely thin and muscular without doing sports too…”

And people admire you for that.

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14. You drive a Tesla

Like that as soon as someone reproaches you for taking the plane too often, you say “Oh it’s ok, I’m driving electric myself”. And since you don’t know that electric cars pollute too much, we can’t blame you.

15. You say things like “all women are queens”

Wow but you’re too right, we should give you the feminism medal too.

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16. You read a lot of personal development books.

But as you are a generous person, you don’t hesitate to give some life lessons from your favorite books to your friends.

17. Your favorite emoji is ;)

Only people on the highest rung of the style ladder are allowed to use this emoji.

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18. You know how to make smoke rings

I want to marry you and give you 12 children who will be called Myriam, Myriam, Myriam, Myriam, Miryam, Miryame, Miryamme, Mirryam, Myriamme, Mirriamme, Claude and Cédrique.

19. You have already made a trip of more than 1 month in a foreign country

Since then, you find that the most beautiful thing in life is to discover others in order to discover yourself.

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20. Instead of saying “I’m going” you say “I’m going… lamb”

Best way to say goodbye.

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