Top 28 funny tweets on playlists, the only place where Celine Dion and Nirvana rub shoulders

Finding Francis Cabrel, Orelsan, The Beatles and Ariana Grande in the same room is unlikely to happen, without wanting to fuck your dreams. On the other hand, you will be able to cross them in your imagination by launching your playlist, this magic tool which allows you to classify lots of music that you like to listen to only five songs. Long live the playlists.

1. It’s the rule

3. It’s Britney, normal

4. What is this sorcery?

5. AH !

6. At least this playlist is validated

7. Want him to take me to the end of the world

8. Why does it always have to happen in the middle of shampooing?

9. It will be a blame this time

11. I could hear the echooooos

13. Clean, sweep, polish

14. A kidney if not more

15. The playlist >>> the program

16. And for the doctor, who should we contact?

17. Neeeext

18. It depends on the mood, let’s say

20. We’re not on a radio show, stop it now

21. Throwback to the 2022 presidential election

22. Want to get buried on Show must go on

23. More specific you die

25. POV: you are a microwave

26. Send the link

27. Looks like a magic trick


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