Top 8 of the dumbest miscellaneous facts, the champions of the week #406

Hello little friends, how are you? As you know, it’s Sunday, the day of the Lord for our Catholic friends but also the day of the hangover for our student friends. For the rest of France it is mainly the day of the week attributed to the good old gland, and in this case we suggest you accompany it with the reading of the champions of the week, the unusual news items that have marked the news of recent days.

1. Marathon in China: he runs the 42 km while smoking cigarettes

Topito’s analysis: They call him “brother smoker” or “uncle Chen” and he’s a bit of a local legend in his town. We think of him, and we especially think of the other runners who surrounded him throughout the race, it must have been nice.

This is not the first time the man, named Uncle Chen, has run the marathon while smoking cigarettes in China.

Posted by on Sunday, November 20, 2022

2. Cannabis seized in India goes missing, police blame rats for eating it

Topito’s analysis: Yeah, it’s probably the fault of the rats who ate 500 kilos of weed, that seems plausible to me. What seems impossible, however, is that the cops collected the weed for their personal consumption or to sell it, that would be science fiction.

3. Knife in hand, he asks for the bakery cashier… and leaves with a sandwich

Topito’s analysis: It’s called a failed robbery, because coming to grab the cash and leaving with a sandwich is all rotten. At the limit if he managed to have a dessert with it, or at least to choose the sandwich he wanted, but nothing is less certain.

4. Seine-et-Marne: Running out of gas prevents him from losing the police who are chasing him

Topito’s analysis: Fucking fuel shortage, how far will that stop us from living our lives to the fullest? When you see these kinds of stories, it sends shivers down the spine to see how essential gasoline is to our lives.

5. In wanting to redo her identity card, she discovers that she is married to a stranger

Topito’s analysis: That’s boring as a surprise, because already marriage isn’t easy, but what’s more, when you marry a stranger and what’s more, you don’t even know about it, it’s a mess. I don’t give much of their marriage if you ask me.

6. New Zealand: a shark over 2 meters lands on their boat

Topito’s analysis: Like that, the animal suddenly appeared on their windshield. It must be surprising, especially since then you have to manage to throw it back into the water and that’s another story.

The fishermen had the fear of their life when the animal landed on their boat. A video captured and posted on Facebook by Churchys Charters NZ.

Posted by on Friday, November 11, 2022

7. China: Sheep go around in circles for several days without stopping… and we don’t know why

Topito’s analysis: A strange story shared on video on which we see brave sheep going around in circles for no reason as if they were praying to the god of wool or something like that, all for days. It’s very low-end horror movie but it’s still disturbing.

8. Cat Mistakenly Locked In Suitcase Detected In NYC Airport X-Rays

Topito’s analysis: The little guy had hidden himself in a suitcase without the traveler being aware of it, which is quite stupid for the animal which probably had a very uncomfortable trip. Cats really allow themselves everything.

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