Top 9 things whose prices will increase in 2023, we can’t wait

Who says crisis says less money and rising prices, two principles that oppose each other and precipitate the world into a horrible paradoxical situation. In order to be prepared for 2023, you must already be aware of what will drastically increase in terms of prices in the coming year and to achieve this we will even give you some valuable advice.

1. Gas and electricity

Money, end of abundance, cold, nothing left in the fridge. This is what awaits you in 2023 and it will start with an increase in the price of energy: heating will therefore cost you more but also turning on your lights, your TV, your radio, the oven and all the mess.

How to counter this increase? Live in a cabin in the woods, warming yourself with plaids and animal skins.

2. The Paris metro ticket and the Navigo pass

The metro ticket will increase by 40 cents, from 1.90 to 2.30 per unit, which is already a bit expensive, but the biggest pill remains that of the Navigo pass which will increase it by almost 15 euros, going from 75.20 to 90 bales per month, the price of a used metro car.

How to counter this increase? Buying a bike, or stealing one, or not going to work anymore. It’s shit, I don’t know what to advise you to do.

3. Meat and fish

No need to list all the foods that will continue to increase in price, it would probably take less time to note those that will not increase, but we can already say that meat and fish will continue to increase and with them the number of vegetarians, which is not so bad.

How to counter this increase? Replace the meat in his dishes with sawdust. But beware, the price of wood having also increased it will not necessarily be the most interesting, prefer plaster.

4. Tobacco

It must be said that smokers expect it since it increases all the time, it’s so predictable that they would take it badly to see that the price of their cigarettes has not increased for the new year.

How to counter this increase? Smoking grass, you can find it everywhere and there are no bullshit products in it. After we will not lie to each other the taste is disgusting.

5. Coffee

Sad news for consumers of this tasty drink with many virtues, after having already increased by almost 10% in the last months of 2022, the product could continue to inflate its price until it becomes the new black gold and replaces oil, which is much worse to drink.

How to counter this increase? Stop drinking it and spend your life living half awake and bumping into walls. Sadness.

6. SNCF tickets and subscriptions

Travel is definitely going to cost more in 2023, and the SNCF should not cut it since it is almost a 5% increase that awaits season ticket holders and a significant increase in the price of tickets purchased at the last moment.

How to counter this increase? Buy a big car that pollutes a lot, because it’s good to want to travel in an ecological way, but it’s better to pollute by paying less.

The bill will be heavier for those who do not have an Avantage type reduction card (49 euros per year) and book at the last moment

Posted by Release on Friday, November 18, 2022

7. Pretty much anything eaten and drunk

Given the increase in inflation, we can actually say that the prices of most foods that are eaten or drunk will increase (if there is a third family of free foods, it is up to you to indicate it in the comments), even disgusting stuff like fruit jellies or coriander, all the more reason to avoid buying it.

How to counter this increase? Eat only one meal a day and admire her beautiful figure after two months of undernutrition. No kidding, it’s not even funny, it’s just creepy.

8. Netflix and Disney subscriptions

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, when streaming platforms announced that they were once again increasing the price of their subscriptions and offering “cheaper” formulas with advertising while preventing people from sharing. Accounts. Not the best idea of ​​the century.

How to counter this increase? Remember the days of illegal streaming? Maybe it’s time to go back.

9. The salary and bank account of the ultra-rich

Who says less money for the poor says more money for the rich, and if the covid crisis has allowed us to see how much the gaps are widening, it is likely to continue exponentially until we wake up perhaps from our lethargy.

How to counter this increase? Does the revolution appeal to you? Meeting in front of my aunt’s garage next Saturday at 4 p.m. to start.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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