White Tone Face Powder Review and How to use It on face

White Tone Face Powder Review

I will review White tone face powder which is also a Vini cosmetics product. This brand make products which are a little different from the other products like the Nufeel facial spray, glam up, Delicca and this face powder which claims to give a fairer skin instantly when applied on the face. I got this few weeks ago and after using this for that much time; I am fully prepared to review this White tone powder. By the way, face powders like such loose powders will help to even tone the skin and make the skin matte.

Whitetone face powder review 3

Price of Whitetone powder: The small pack is for 55 Rupees which is very inexpensive for the product as you get 30 g of powder in the bottle.

Whitetone face powder review how to use

Experience Using The White Tone Face Powder

This White tone face powder comes in a small flip top cap plastic bottle just like a lot of other powders. On the pack it says that this has a soft shade formula that means it will match every one. The powder is a white talc like face powder. It is very similar to the body talc only but a little fine and more satiny like. This White tone face product smells like ponds talc or some other talc that I have used earlier. Using this white tone face powder from that bottle is not so user friendly if you like using your face powders with the help of a sponge applicator or a powder puff. You will have to take the powder in the palms and then rub it and apply on the face.

Whitetone face powder review This is how to use this White tone face loose powder. I didn’t like that but still used it. When I applied it. It made my face look as if I have actually applied the body powder on my face. My face looks fairer but ashy as this powder is white in color and we are not white, even though I am fair but still the powder is not suitable for me. Okay so, that means this Whitetone powder which claims to give a fair skin instantly should suit the medium or wheatish skin tone then. As when our skin color is not fairer then we feel the need to use a product like this. Right? But if it looks ashy on a fair skinned person then you can imagine how it will look on a wheatish or dusky skin tone person. It will look ashy and very artificial fairness like. I think even the fairness cream that makes a very fine whitish layer on the face are much better than this product. I really did not like the products as it makes skin look as if I have used a powder which is not my shade. The only thing I liked is that the satiny feel that it gives to the face when I applied this face powder. [ Vicco turmeric cream with faom base ]

Whitetone face powder

Oily skinned people can still think of trying this face powder but this is not at all for the dry skin as it will enhance the dryness since the powder is not moisturizing. It reminds me of pond’s talc that we apply for the body. I took the pond’s talc and this white tone powder and then smelled them. Guess what? They were exactly the same, the smell was same, the texture and the formula was almost the same. This can be better used for the body. The packaging too is like a talcum powder. Who would want to take this out in the public. Seriously who has invented a product like this.

Whitetone face powder review price

Pros of White Tone Face Powder

  • Gives a satiny finish on the face
  • Inexpensive

Cons of White Tone Face Powder

  • Not for dry skin
  • Gives an ashy white look on the face that looks bad
  • It makes face looks made up and very obvious
  • Packaging too is not good, honestly you wont want to take this out in public
  • Smells like a body talc only
  • Packaging is not good.
  • It is exactly like that of Pond’s talc that we use for body
  • On dark skin this will look so bad and unnatural

Rating of White tone face powder: 2 out of 5

White tone face application powder comes in a not so user friendly packaging which makes this product difficult to use. It gives an unnatural fairness to the face and not for dry skin at all as it will dry that further. It will look very bad on wheatish skin and will be very clear that powder has been applied on the face. I will recommend using the compact powders in a shade lighter than your skin tone too get slightly fair looking skin rather than this white face powder.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.