Why Grow Organic?

Why Grow Organic?

Some first time gardeners might wonder why they should bother growing something organically. They wonder if it really costs that much extra money. Well, that’s a question best answered with a question and here’s a question for you to think about- why grow organic at all?

It can be a little expensive to buy organic products-especially for organically grown produce. A spaghetti sauce made with pesto will cost $6 to $12 and sometimes much more depending on the sauce. Sometimes organic tomatoes cost a little more as well.

Some people say it’s more satisfying to grow something yourself and have it taste better than store-bought food. I’m not sure about that but I sure wish I could because I wouldn’t buy stuff online that I don’t trust!

“wp-image-110752 size-full” title=”Organic gardening” src=”https://www.dailycuratednews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Organic-gardening.jpg” alt=”Organic gardening” width=”626″ height=”417″ /> Organic gardening

Organic gardening

Organic gardening is making a come-back as people are more aware of the need to deal with chemicals. It’s getting around that people are concerned about the foods they buy in grocery stores. Some stores are famous for having one-organic lettuce fit into their salad mix, but a quick look around quickly defeats the idea that these organically grown vegetables are anything other than fresh.

If you’ve ever tried to find organically grown vegetables that you buy in stores, you probably found some that were surprisingly inexpensive or ones that were very expensive. Now that you know that you can grow your own, you can save yourself some money and be sure that you’re eating something you trust and that you know is organic.

It takes longer to get from point A to point B than to buy whatever product it is you want. Some might have to be delivered, even though they say they have them in stock. Food produced with organic fertilizers and pesticides is also much safer for us to eat.

Why Is Organic Gardening Becoming So Popular?

Another reason to grow your own organic vegetables is living right in your own home!

It gives you a sense of pride as well as helping with global issues such as world hunger and wanting to provide a better environment for your children.

Growing organic vegetables makes sure that you know exactly what you’re putting on your family’s dinner table. No hidden pesticides or fertilizers.

It removes the subterranean fertilizers that enrich large scale farmers while destroying the wildlife on the ground that helps keep this planet green.

The world has enough information out there to help you be successful as you take the first steps toward urban homesteading. I personally know people that are journaling their trips to create an urban homestead. The first step is to draw up a plan of your proposed eco-system as a basis for your gardening and life.

10 Key Components of Organic Gardening

The journal or log books that you write yourself will give you visual aids as well as practical instructions.

journaling your garden is an effective way to keep track of what you plant, where you plant, and how well your vineyard or vegetable garden grows.

The design of your garden is what will give your chosen plants in your food garden an optimum growing condition. By using journaling, you will also keep track of which plants served as flavorings the last time you served them at your meals.

Whether you plan to diary your meals or not, food growing cannot be quit slow and you’ll get a sense if it’s been worth the wait.

I don’t know about you, but I personally like to eat a meal that is planned out and out of the chest feet, so to speak. It just doesn’t get old tasting the way that fast food does.

Whether you plan to diary your meals or not, food growing is something that can be enjoyed by all ages and backgrounds. Why not enjoy the calendars of a food garden and pick your lettuce a little earlier to get that home grown taste?

I personally like to think that we each took a responsibility to help all the little life forms that surround us and experience each day that way, whether it be a starfish in an aquarium or a human being in nursing homes. It makes each of us take a personal responsibility to make the world a better place to live, and it is a worthy thing to do.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.