Winter Skin Care Tips for Women

Winter skin care tips for women

winter skin care tips for women

Winters are not easy for skin. It’s hard to maintain healthy and beautiful skin during winters. Winters are also harsh and painful to skin. Winters can be cruel and ruin your soft moist layers of skin. Here are few tips and tricks which can help you fight the odds against winters. These tips can lead to happy and beautiful winters.

Essential Winter skin care tips for women


Just a single word can do magic and that is moisturize. Moisturize when ever you feel dry. Regular moisturizing will help the skin to remain nourished and hydrated. This helps the skin to be sealed from harsh and hard dry air of winter. When ever you wash or feel dry try to moisturize your skin.


Yes, you heard it right. Use sun screen. People love to sit in sunlight for hours in winters to feel relax and control their body temperature. But forget that exposure to sunlight can ruin the skin and fasten skin aging also making the skin color pale. Therefore it is recommended to use sun screen. Use sun screen when ever you take sun bath or are exposed to sun.

Winter skin care tips for feet and hands

winter skin care tips for women 2

Cover your hand and feet

Use gloves and socks regularly throughout winters. This helps the skin from chapping and tearing and also guards you against cold wind which can ruin soft skin. Never use moist or wet socks and gloves this can cause allergy and irritation. It might even crack the skin layers.

Moisturize you hands and feet

Special care is taken of hands and feet in winter as the cold winds dries up these areas and may also cause cracks. Therefore intense moisturizing creams are use to hydrated feet and hand. These are the areas where the oil glands are less or fewer and cannot provide sufficient natural oils. Therefore it is suggested to moisturize your hands and feet well.

Extra skin care tips for winters

Make up in winters

Avoid using make up or lotions which are astringent in nature or are alcohol based. Use cream based make up and lotion which can moist the skin and retain the moisturizing effect. Using harsh components on skin may lead to dryness and scaly skin which further ruins the skin texture.

Oil and wash your hair regularly

You must know that in winters hair and scalp become dry and develop dandruff. Therefore, it is suggested to oil and wash your hair regularly so, that the hair and scalp be clean and hygienic. Dry scalp may develop itching and flaky skin which leads to forehead and eyes developing itching and redness too. Thus nourish hair and scalp well in winters so that you have healthy hair and skin.

Bathing Tips

  • Do not use hot water to bathe or wash face.
  • Always take bath with luke warm water.
  • You can take gresline or honey bath. (You can add 1 spoon gresline or honey in a bucket of water)
  • Use mild cleansers to avoid dryness.

Use lip balm

Lips are very sensitive and easily get dry and chapped because natural oil is not supplied as much as required. It is advised to use intense moisture lip balm to nourish the lips. Always carry a lip balm to regularly moist your lips.

Do not sit much at a fire place or heater

Fire and heater relax you from chilling cold. I agree to it completely but it also ruins the little nourished exterior layer of your skin. There do not sit much time in front of it. Or apply heavy moisturizers and drink plenty of water while sitting in front of fire place or heaters. You can also put a bowl of water in front of heater to maintain dryness level.

Drink more water

Moisturize your body from inside first drink lot of water content. It can be either in form of soups, herbal hot teas in evening and juices and smoothies in morning.

Try out these easy steps to have moist, happy and hydrated winters. Happy winters to you all women reading this.

Written by: Khyati Mahajan

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.